casually spying

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*your pov*

It was your and Peter's 1 year anniversary today so of course he was taking you out. But the only issue is that usually he would put clothes in his backpack but he was late for school so the only clothes he has is that one suit and he can not get it wrinkled. This would not be an issue if the avengers knew about yall's relationship but he did not want to tell them because they would just tease him about it.

So instead of getting teased by his team he kept you a secret from all of the avengers. When he was smiling at one of your texts. Someone always asked what he was so smiley about and he said his friend sent a funny meme to him. He told you all about it, and why he does it. You really want him to tell them about you because you are tired of Peter coming on dates in basketball shorts and a tee shirt. So you have encouraged him to tell them but he never took your advice.

No avenger knew about you, you never went to hang out at the avengers compound. It was always your house or mae's. But it never really bothered you. You were getting ready for your date when you got a text from Peter saying, "Hey princess, I can not wait to see you tonight." he sent and you smiled to yourself as you finished your makeup. He was going to pick you up at 5:30 and you had so many butterflies like it was your first date all over again.

*peter's pov*

It was an hour before i had to pick up y/n so i decided to hop in the shower beforehand. So I hopped in the shower. After the shower I changed into the suit I was going to our date in. I now needed to figure out how I was going to get out of the house without causing a commotion.

I had 15 minutes till I had to pick y/n up because I could not figure out how to tie a tie correctly. So I got up and went out to my room and checked if the hall was clear, so I left. But to my luck they were right by the door. "Hey, were you going to dress up like that?" Tony asked him as Peter walked past him and the rest of the team. "Just going out with mae." I lied to them to get out and go. "Peter, I have seen you go to work in sweatpants and a hoodie, so where are you going?" he asked again but again I did not respond.

"I am going out to dinner with mae and i have to go or i will be late." I snapped at them as I grabbed my keys and went out the door. I then went to pick my beautiful girlfriend. It took me 10 minutes to get her to her house. When I got there I knocked on the door, and I waited for a few minutes until she answered the door. "Hey babes, how are you today?" she asked me as we walked back from her front porch and to my car I then opened the door for her. "My day was good, how was your baby?" I answered and asked her at the same time. "You know it was good, your gift came in today, do you wanna see it?" she asked me as she answered my question. "No, we agreed we will open gifts after dinner." I reminded her.

*tony's pov*

"Okay so the kid has a secret girlfriend right." I asked the rest of the team as Peter snapped at us and then walked out of the house to get dinner with his aunt. "Yeah no definitely." Nat agreed with me as she got up and grabbed her keys. "So what are we going to follow him or what?"

"Yes, we are now hurrying up before he gets too far away." I told her as I also got up as Sam, Bucky, Steve, Wanda and Clint walked out and followed peter. After about 10 minutes of driving we stopped in front of a nice looking house. Peter then got out of his car and went up to the door. After a minute a pretty looking girl walked out and grabbed Peter's hand and he walked her to the car and opened the door for her. "Aww, he opened the door for her." nat and wanda squealed in my ear. "Ow, that was right in my ear." I told them as I rubbed my fingers on my head. "Hey, Tony, they are leaving." Bucky pointed out, I then put the car and drive and started to drive. We drove for a little bit longer. Until we ended up in front of a nice restaurant. We then watched them go into the restaurant.

We then walked insider and to our luck we sat right beside them. Peter was not the first one to notice it was the girlfriend. "Hey pete so you know how you have not introduced me to the avengers well you might have to do it because they are right next to us." I heard her say to peter.

Peter then looked over his shoulder and saw us and we smiled and waved to him. "What the heck are y'all doing here?" he asked with an annoyed tone with us. "Pete, are you going to introduce us to your friend here?" Nat asked as she looked over to the gorgeous girl. "This is my beautiful girlfriend of one year as of today." Pete told us like we had been told so much about her.

"How have you been keeping this from for a year?" Nat asked him as she gave him a side eye. "Yeah, I really do not know how I pulled it off because you are a very good spy." Peter said to us as he looked at his girlfriend. "Well it was nice to meet you now we will be off please stop by the tower anytime." I told her as she left. 

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