coming out to peter

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*your pov*

You were sitting on your bed, scrolling through tik tok when this pretty girl came up on your for you page and you thought she is so pretty. But then you realized something after staring at her for like 10 minutes. It had finally hit you, you liked women and not just friends, no more than friends you wanted to date them.

Which really confused you because you were still madly in love with your teammate Peter parker. So then you called the only person that knew how to help you. You called mj who you knew was a bisexual."mj, i think i might like girls." that is how you started the phone and then you explained your entire situation to her. She was excited but also considerate knowing that you were very confused right now.

*the next day,at school*

"y/n there you are i have been looking for you everywhere." mj said as she found you at your locker after your conversation last night you finally found that you were definitely bisexual. "Hey, clearly you did not check everywhere because I am at my locker." you said giving her some unwanted sassiness. "Hey, cut the attitude okay, the only bisexuals in the school need to stick together." she told you as a person with a wolf cut and some bright red vans came up to you and tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey, sorry for bothering you but can you tell me where mrs. Wilson's class?" the person asked you as you faced the unfamiliar person. "Yeah, I can take you there. I have that next." you told the person as you grabbed your books from your locker and you started walking to the class. "So what's your name?" you asked them just to learn more about them.

"My name is Harlow, what is your name?" they told me as I walked into the classroom. "My name is y/n." I told her as I sat down in my assigned seat. "Where do I sit , miss?" Harlow asked mrs. Wilson as she stopped by the store.

"You can sit next to y/n, right there in the middle of the room." she told her as she pointed to me and the empty seat next to me. It was like that scene where liz allen moved away. "Okay thank you miss." she said as she walked to her seat next to me. Then the teacher came in and walked and started taking attendance.

"Alright guys, we have a new student, and her name is harlow." the teacher said as she sat down in her seat. "Um.. hi my name is harlow and i use they/ them pronouns not she/ her miss so please be respectful of that. I am from North Carolina, specifically the Carolina beach area. I love surfing and the beach. We moved here because my mom's job changed her to this office so we had to move." they said as they sat down then the teacher walked up to the board and started her lesson for the class. "Okay so today we are going.."

"Time skip to lunch*

"Hey, can I sit with you?" Harlow asked you and Peter as they walked by your table at lunch. "Sure, have a seat." Peter said as he swung his arm over to let them know it was okay for them to sit with you guys.

"Hi I am Peter and this is my best friend and that is MJ and I don't know where y/n went but she is here somewhere." Peter said as she introduced everyone to harlow. "I am Harlow and I use they/them pronouns." they told peter so they made sure they were not misgendered.

"Hey, sorry I had to use the bathroom." she said as you saw harlow. "Hey Harlow, how were your classes before lunch?" you asked because you only had 1st period together.

"Oh, they were classes that you would take in school and I got misgendered in every single class." They said it was not fun for them.

*a year later*

It has been a year and you have now been dating Harlow for a little over 6 months and know one but mj knew. Other than that, one knows. But you know you have to tell Peter because he is getting suspicious because you have been hyping what he thinks is a guy for the past 6 months. "So when do i get this boy, you have been dating for six months now y/n?" your best friend's kindergarten scene asked you. "He wants to keep it private for right now but i will talk to him.'' I completely lied to my best friend's face even though he knows me better than anyone else I know.

"Okay well i want to meet him soon, because he seems like a great guy." Peter says as he pushes his tray out of his way and pulls out a Harry Potter book. "Hey, Harlow, how are you today?" you asked as they walked up to the table.

"I am super good today, i am hanging out with my girlfriend today after school today." they said as they sat down at the table now they usually eat in the library and come after lunch to see you. "What are you doing with them?" Peter asked because he also did not know Harlow's girlfriend and your quote on quote boyfriend Peter has started to suspect that it was not a boy.

But of course he did not want to ask and it was actually a boy. He also wanted you to be the one to tell him because you are like his sister. He loves you either way.

"Hey, so when do I get to meet your girlfriend harlow?" Peter asked them because he also wanted to meet the girl that stole his friend's heart. I then pulled out my phone and texted Harlow and asked if we could tell Peter tonight and they said it was up to me so I then in that moment was going to come out to my best friend of 12+ years. "Hey Pete, do you want to meet my boyfriend tonight?" you asked Peter as you looked over to harlow. "Yes, I have been waiting to meet him for the last 6 months." Peter said as you pulled out your phone and texted your Tony saying that harlow was coming over.

"So what time should I come over to meet him?" Peter asked as we walked out of the school building after school. "How about 8 because we are going to watch a movie." I told him as we walked down to the subway.

"Okay cool i will bring over some soda and some chips and dip.'' Peter said as we walked onto the subway.

"Oh you should make that bean dip that I really like." I told him as we walked up the stairs to the Avengers compound.

"Okay cool so i will see you later Peter said as you started to walk inside."yes i will okay." you walked upstairs and then texted harlow to come over because you had plans to watch a movie.

*timeskip till 8*

"y/n peter's here." Tony screamed out from downstairs. "Okay send him up." I yelled back. "You can go upstairs to her room.'' Peter walked up to your room and knocked on the door. Once you said come in he went in and he saw Harlow but no one else it was 8:15. "Hey, where is your boyfriend? It is 8:15." "Peter, I don't have a boyfriend because I am dating harlow. Because I am pansexual." "y/n you know i will love you either way."

authors note:  hey guys i just wanted to say a happy pride month to everyone. also if i see anyone being homophobic in the comments i will delet the comment because i am identify as pansexual so any homophibic comments will be deleted because this is a safe place and if you need to talk pelase DM on insta at abbeym_715. just no that i love every single one of you who reads or votes even though you do not have to at all.

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