fake dating

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*your pov*

"hey did you want to go to homecoming on Friday?" Flash asked, "I can't go with my boyfriend." you lied you did not have a boyfriend. "Who are you dating?" "pines parker?" "You mean Peter Parker, and yeah it is him."

*peter's pov*

"y/n what do you need to talk about?" I asked y/n. "Ok so yesterday flash asked me to the dance and i said i was going with my boyfriend which i don't have and when he asked who it was i said you." you rambled on and on. "Wait so let me get this straight you want me to take you homecoming as your boyfriend." he said boyfriend in an air quote. "So can you please pretend to be my boyfriend." "Fine, I will do it for 20$." "Fine," you said, grabbing your phone to paypal peter. "Ok so we need some rules so it is believable also the day after homecoming we could say we broke up or something." " number 1 no acting too coupley when we are alone i mean it is fake. Number 2 no one can not be fake at all,because if they can tell it is fake then flash can.

*timeskip brought to you by your local simp author*

The next day you and Peter walked in holding hands. You guys walked towards your locker which was close to Flashes. "Parker, I heard you're dating my girl." "I am not your girl flash." "Then prove you're dating him." he said skeptically that y'all were actually dating. So Peter did something that changed how you felt about him. He straight up kissed you right on the mouth.

*peter's pov*

I did something that I was going to regret later, I kissed her. You see, I had always had a little thing for y/n. So faking being her boyfriend was just a dream come true. After that flash walked away. "I am so sorry y/n." "it is ok '' you thought you lost feelings for peter in middle school but the kiss actually made you realize that you did not want to fake date you wanted to actually date him.

*timeskip to homecoming*

Your dress was y/f/c. Peter was going to meet you at school in the gym. So your mom was going to drop you off and aunt may was going to pick you and peter up from the school. "Hey peter." you said walking up to him. "You look gorgeous y/n" "awwww thank you pete." During the dance you kept yourself by Peter so flash could not talk to you because you were with your "boyfriend" after the dance you and Peter were waiting outside for may. "y/n i need to talk to you." "What's up?" you asked because you really wanted to say that he liked you back."i really like you and it is ok if you don't like m-" you cut him off by kissing him. 

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