road trip

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*tony's pov*

Finals for the kid and y/n were finally over and so i am letting peter, y/n, mj, and ned go up to my beach house for the first week of summer. They have been asking to go see spring break, but i said no because i did not want rando's in my beach house.

So when they get home from their last day of school I am going to tell them and they will leave tomorrow morning. "Hey wanda,make sure you have enough food for 2 more people mj and ned are spending the night." I told Wanda as she cooked lasagna for dinner. "Okay thank you for letting me know." she said as she made more pasta,For the lasagna. "Wait the spider span and his friends are staying over tonight?" Sam asked as he walked the room from training. "Yes they are." I told him as I gave him my iconic smirk. " nooo, he's going to make us watch star wars and the lovebirds are going to flirt the entire time. He complained as he was complaining Peter, y/n, mj, and ned walked in the house.

*peter's pov*

We walked into the tower when I heard Sam talking about me and my best friend and secret crush y/n. "Umm me and y/n don't flirt." I butted into the conversation between Sam and tony. "Yeah, you do, I have seen it first hand ." Sam said as y/n and I sat on the couch well, mj and ned put their stuff in the respective rooms. So me and Peter picked out the first movies to our movie marathon. "We watched star wars last week, so let's have a harry potter movie night." y/n told MJ, Ned and me as she pulled up the first movie.

"No, please star wars y/n please." I gave her puppy eyes. "No, we watched Star Wars last weekend at your house." she said, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine, we can watch Harry Potter." only because i can not say no to your cute face. I thought to myself as she started the first movie.

"Stop flirting with each other, and just tell each other you're in love." Ned screamed as his favorite part of the movie played. "We do not flirt with each other." y/n said as she got off the couch. "I am cold so I am going to get a hoodie." I announced and I looked at my friends then walked out of the room dramatically.

*the next day, your pov*

It was 9:00 in the morning when Thor and Loki came in with pots and pans. Lucky me and Mj were up so I got the pots and pans and gave the one from Thor to Mj and took the pots and pans from thor. Then they left the room so I counted down from the 3 and then we started banging on the pots and pans. "Wake up we need to leave, we are missing quality beach time. "No, 5 more minutes." Peter said so instead of being normal I jumped on Peter till he pushed me off of him. "Fine a will just call sam and bucky to come take a picture to post on their instagram." I said as I got off them, that for some reason that got him up. "Now go get your bags so we can go, also you're driving." I told him as I ran to my bedroom to change.

*peter's pov*

"So, Peter, when are you going to tell y/n you like her?" Mj asked me as I came down stairs from giving my beach bags. "Lower your voice, and I will never tell her so you better not say anything." Peter told MJ, giving her the stank eye. "You guys are ready to go." y/n asked as she came down the stairs in a tank top and a pair of gym shorts and one of my flannels. "Hey, I have been looking for that forever." I told her as I noticed it around her waist. "Well clearly not hard enough pete." she told me as she grabbed her sunglasses and walked out to the car. Me and Ned then packed all of the bags into the trunk and got in the car.

*your pov*

We have now been in the car for an hour, and I am really hungry but Peter said he did not want to stop an hour into the drive when we left. "Peter, I know you said that we could not stop an hour into the drive but I am hungry." I told him as I saw another exit sign. "We can stop at the next exit look for something you want to eat.'' Peter told you as your favorite song came on so you turned up the volume. "But Peter, you told us not to ask for food till we got there, but you said yes to y/n?" Ned called out to peter. "That's because y/n is my favorite person." Peter confessed. "Hey, Peter, I want chick-fil-a." you told peter as you saw the sign.

"Okay, whatever you want y/n." he told you as he turned into the exit to get the chick fil a. "Okay so are we eating in the restaurant or getting it from the drive through?" Peter asked his friends, as he saw the turn for the chick fil a. "In the restaurant, Tony will kill us if we get sauce in his car." I told Peter as the light turned green. "Okay we will eat in the restaurant." Peter said as he parked the car in the parking lot.

"Ned, what do you want?" he asked, pulling up his notes app. "I want a spicy chicken sandwich with a doctor pepper." Ned said as Peter typed it down. "Okay mj what do you want?" Peter asked mj to write down her name on the page. "I want a plain chicken sandwich and a sprite." she told peter as peter wrote down his and hers. "And y/n want mac and cheese and chicken nuggets with a root beer, am i right." Peter asked me as he looked up from his phone.

"Yes that is correct, okay gang, let's go and eat food." he told us as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. "Hi, what can you get for you?" the person at the counter asked you. "Hi, can I get a spicy chicken sandwich with doctor pepper? Also a regular chicken sandwich with a sprite? I also need a 12 piece nugget with fries and a frosted lemonade? And the mac and cheese with an 8 piece and a root beer." Peter finished the order and pulled out his card. "Will, that will be all for you today." the cashier asked peter."Yes, that will be it." Peter told the cashier. "Okay that will be out in a minute." The cashier then walked away from the counter and Peter walked to the table.

"Okay, so food is ordered and when she calls my name I can go get it or one of them." Peter told us as he sat down with us at the table we picked out. "Okay peter, so did you get me my chick fil a sauce?" I asked him as he sat down next to ned. "No, because you did not ask for it." he told me as the cashier called Peter's name. "I will get it so I can sauce." I told my friends as I got up then I grabbed the food. "Hey can we get some chick fil a sauce?" I asked the lady. "Yeah sure." she said handing me like 12 sauce.

*a few hours later*

We are now at the beach and it was a super fun road trip with my best friends in the entire world. 

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