Casa Amor

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Sorry for the delay, with the heat it's just not the weather to be sitting in and writing. 

****Delilah's POV****

I honestly don't think any of us knew what to do with ourselves as they came over, like they were all giving out hugs and saying their names but within five seconds I'd already forget who they were. On first impressions they were all nice looking but no-one was immediately grabbing my attention, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

"So come on then." Danica said as they all sat down and we had a cheers. "Tell us all a bit about yourself then."

"My name's Samuel, I'm 22 years old, and I'm a model and content creator from Manchester." The first one said and to be honest I wasn't initially attracted to him. 

"I'm George, I'm 23 and I'm a labourer." 

"I'm Billy, I'm 23 and I pick up penguins at the zoo."

"Aww that's sweet." Turns out he wasn't lying like I first guessed he was. I think I heard Gemma say at the start to Ekin that she knew him but I wasn't too sure where from.

"I'm Jack, I'm 23, I'm from Dublin and I work in social media and marketing."

"I'm Deji, I'm 25, I work in accounts management and I'm from Bedford"

"My name is Josh, I'm 22 and a model from Essex." If I had to pick one I would say he was the one who was most my type but Billy wasn't too bad. 

"Do any of you have like types?"

"Attraction wise I like a nice smile." Started off well from Josh. "And a big bum. I can't lie"

"For me it's just like banter." Billy said. "I'm not going to lie if you're not funny then for me it's not working. I'm always smiling so if I'm not smiling around you then we've got a problem."

"I want to know what your types are?" Samuel asked. 

"I want a bit of a lads lad." Gemma started. "Someone who's funny, someone who can make me laugh."

"You want that boy over there."

"I know of Billy, I feel like we have mutual friends."

"Alright stir it up a bit"

"Personality wise I think they've got to be up for a laugh but then also like serious when it needs to be." I said. "Usually go for someone quite dominating, not in an overbearing way but someone who takes control."

"I need someone who matches my energy." Danica added. "But I feel like I now need someone who can ground me, kind of like the opposite of me. But I don't know."

The boys went inside to go and check out the villa, leaving us to have a chat about the boys.

"Danica I feel like Billy matches your energy." I commented. "I think you'd go well together."

"Yeah I do like his energy and the vibes he gives out. But then I think attraction wise Josh is probably most my type."


"I think Josh caught my eye the most, buzz cut, good looking."

"Do you think he's the sort of guy you'd go for on the outside?"

"Yeah I think I'd probably say my type is like model boys."


"I think Josh is probably the most my type but Billy is kind of a close second so we'll have to see. and then I kind of like Deji's vibe"

"Do you know know Billy?" Ekin asked Gemma. 

"I don't know know him, like I've never met him. So my best boy mate on the outside is also Billy's best mate." Gemma let us all in. "He's kind of known for being a player. But I think you can tell that from his personality."

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