Makes the world blind (day 54)

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I woke up in pain but fully able to move, but moving made the pain worse so could I really fully move?

Klaus had woke up a few minutes after me because of the storm. The storm had been calmer than it was the day before but a storm is a storm, thunder is thunder.

I didn't feel like talking, when I did it made the cuts on my neck worse anyway.

"Hi." Klaus said putting his glasses on.

I waved and smiled.

Klaus didn't try to fight me being silent, he probably understood now why I had wanted to not talk, he feels the pain.

I sat up slowly and went to the edge of the bed so my legs could hang off.

Blood was soaking through the bandage on my leg, I had to replace it. So I did just that, violet had left the supplies next to the bed where I could reach, god bless her.

Unwrapping the bandage made me nervous, I hadn't actually seen the cut yet.

When the bandage was fully unwrapped I closed my eyes, it looked horrible.

"Wow." Klaus said.

I looked over to him and opened my eyes, he had gotten out of his bed and sat in the chair next to it.

When I had finished wrapping it I tried to stand, I could stand okay as long as I didn't put weight on that leg.

We basically did nothing most of the day, that room was very boring. I took a few naps but always got woken up by thunder or a nightmare.

My siblings came for lunch but I didn't want to eat, my neck hurt so bad. Olaf put like 20 slashes on my neck.

"How you guys feeling?" Violet asked glancing at Klaus and then to me.

"As good as I can, it still hurts a lot." Klaus said.

Everyone turned to me, it felt like I was being pushed into a corner, I hated eye contact so much.

"It hurts to talk and my leg hurts when I move it." I whispered to try and save my neck.

"I'm sorry guys." Isadora said.

"I could kill whoever did that." Duncan said pushing his head back.

"An eye for an eye makes the world blind, use your head." Isadora said to him.

An eye for an eye, those words sent chills down my back. I had heard those before, I remembered. Everything came flooding back, the tall man, Klaus getting stabbed, the Hookhanded man.

My eyes opened wide, I could feel a pit in my chest. When I saw violet look over to me I calmed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I may have looked calm on the outside but on the inside I was screaming, the guilt was building and tearing away at me.

Trying to remain calm was nearly impossible, usually I would run away but I couldn't even stand. I was trapped with my siblings and the Baudelaires just like I was trapped in the pit except this time I was hiding in the corner from myself.

When my siblings left I turned to look at Klaus, he had layed down and closed his eyes.

Klauses face twisted when he fell asleep, was he having a nightmare? He could have also been in pain in general, I wished there was something I could do but I had already done this. Without me he would be fine, he would probably be in the library if it weren't for me.

Looking at him sleeping made me think that I should try to sleep again, what else was there to do? Sit up in pain feeling guilty? That was pointless.

Moving was difficult but I had all the time in the world to move slowly for safety.

As I closed my eyes a movie of Klaus getting stabbed played on repeat in my mind. This was the worst type of torture Count Olaf could have given me.

I layed for hours with that movie playing, even as I drifted asleep and onto a dream the movie still stalked me.

Thunder had ceased, all that was left was rain and the occasional dim flash of lightning. The storm did not wake me up but made my sleep stronger.

What now

What do I do?

I need to keep those who I love safe

How do I do that?

Why am I like this?

It's like I'm cursed

If you cant break a curse then what do you do?

Run away?

Maybe that's what I do

Run away from Klaus

Keep him safe farther away from me

Restrict contact

It's probably for the best anyway

I felt trapped, forced into a corner, at a dead end. I had lost all control once again.

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