She wouldn't have (day 84)

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I remember the overwhelming sense of confusion I had over the entire situation. I opened my eyes to my siblings and violet sitting between Klaus and I.

Pounding in my head, I wasn't aware but I started groaning in pain.

Violet jumped and ran over, my siblings right behind her. Her seat had been closest to me.

"Rose." Isadora whispered to me.

I had closed my eyes as I tried to sit up, it felt like I was banging my head against the wall over and over.

"Hey, are you okay?" Violet asked quietly.

I was now sitting up, holding onto my head. I looked up at them, looking down at me.

"Xnxbsjisjdndnkijshs." Gibberish comes out of my mouth.

They all look at me like I'd gone insane.

"What was that?" Duncan asked.

I looked to him.

"What, did, uh, hsbzna, wh-" I tried to ask him.

"Yeah, that's not good." Duncan said looking over at Isadora.

"Rose, are you okay?" Violet whispered.

None of the words I was hearing made sense, my brain couldn't comprehend them. They were the same words but it felt like they were in a different language.

"Violet, snnxnxxxz." All I could say was her name.

I could feel that my words weren't real, I knew that not understanding them was bad.

I dropped my head into my hands and let tears fall from my eyes quietly.

"What do we do?" Violet asked.

"What can we do?" Isadora answered.

"Fair point." Duncan responded.

They stood watching me sit there. I was almost acting like a child.

After a minute of just crying, I wiped my eyes and looked up. I felt better, and my head was clearer.

"Isadora." I said looking to my sister.

She perked up with a smile when I said this.

"What happened? Why does my head hurt so bad?" I asked slowly as I looked to violet.

Isadora was visibly confused but listened.

"We were hoping you could tell us that." Violet said.

"You better? You scared me there for a minute." Duncan asked.

I sat looking away, I was still thinking slowly.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what that was, I just couldn't make the words." I said drifting off into thought.

Violet turned to look to the others, my words had caught their attention. They all felt this was weird but at least they knew why I was acting like that. Though they didn't know the exact cause of it. It didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together, I had hit my head very hard.

After some research, I've discovered that damage to the occipital lobe can cause similar symptoms to those I was exhibiting. Confusion, mixing of words, memory loss. Some patients had lost control of words completely, thank God it was only Klaus.

I closed my eyes as the pain in my head heightened, I held the back of it. My scalp throbbed below my hand.

"How bad is it?" Isadora asked worried.

Before I even realized she was talking, I was leaning down hiding from them, both hands on the back of my head. I groaned back to her, there was no way I could talk, all I could think of was the pain.

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