echoing in his mind (day 74)

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I cried to Klaus for far too long.

Klaus was the one that was supposed to be talking about his feelings not me. I didn't even tell Klaus everything.

"Do you feel better?" He asked sitting down next to the bed.

"Yeah." I lied wiping my tears away.

"What's on your mind right now?" I asked him, desperate to get him to talk.

Klaus sat looking down at the floor.

"You can tell me." I say quieter.

"I know." He said.

"Then do it." I said.

Klaus sighed heavily.

"I feel bad about what happened." He said.

"I never should have told them and I'm so sorry." He said as his eyes filled with tears.

"Klaus I know that's not what's bothering you." I said upset.

"It is." He said.

"I know it is bothering you but that's not what I'm talking about, there's something else." I said.

Klaus stayed quiet.

"You should go to class." I say.

"No." He said.

"Why wouldn't you?" I ask.

"Because you're here." He said.

"I guess it's your choice but you should go to lunch with everyone." I say.

"Are you sure? We could all just come here." He offers.

"No don't worry, I don't want to be with them right now." I lie.

Hours pass and Klaus leaves to go to the cafeteria

I lay alone in the dark room.

The rain picks up and thunder rumbles in the distance.

My thoughts are able to run clearer than earlier, I've gotten used to the pain.  I thought about how pathetic I looked to Klaus, not that being open like that is bad but definitely wouldn't want the wrong people seeing it.

I felt guilty.

Klaus may have told violet and that got me stabbed but I also told him and if I didn't tell him then none of this would have happened. It's my fault I got stabbed but Klaus feels like it's his fault, it seems like it would be but it's not!

Klaus keeps getting tangled up in my problems, I feel that if I hadn't told him or if I would have avoided him then he would have been safer. Even if I did completely isolate myself it's still count Olaf and he still hates all of us because of our parents so either way we're screwed. That knowledge doesn't get rid of the sick feeling of guilt in my stomach though.

I keep going in circles in my head until I hear a familiar sound...

Heavy footsteps lead closer and closer to me until I hear them just outside the door..

What did they want now? Can't they wait? They did JUST stab me!

The door creaks open and reveals a hook.

"I'm sorry about that." He said walking closer.

"Boss was angry, it's best to listen to him next time." He said.

I turned my head away.

"Okay." I say tired.

"I thought I should give you this, it'll just be a pinch." He said pulling a needle out.

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