one each (day 86)

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My siblings hadn't showed up the day before, I wondered where they could be but truly wasn't as worried as I would have been before.

Something about the exhaustion seemed to numb the feeling, my brain had shut off. My only job was to stay alive, that's it.

"Where do you think they are?" I asked Klaus.

Klaus was laying down, he rolled onto his side to meet my gaze.

"They're probably in class right now." He said.

"Why do you think they didn't show up?" I asked trying to escape the bordome.

Klaus closed his eyes.

"They might have forgotten, or maybe they got distracted, unless..." He said opening his eyes.

"I don't think he'd do that." I said.

"I do." Klaus argued.

"He couldn't take them all, he wouldn't take them all." I said.

"Might not be the smartest but then again, he's not smart. I think he's definitely capable of it though." Klaus said laying down flat again.

Klaus groaned in pain.

"You okay? What's wrong?" I asked him.

He didn't answer in words, the silence told me what was hurting. I knew it was his back, it's the only thing he wouldn't talk about.

"Klaus?" I asked.

"I'm fine, it just hurts a little." He said breathing heavy.

"What hurts today?" I asked.

Klaus didn't answer.

"Klaus, you have to answer." I said.

"No I don't." He said.

"Fine, how about if you tell me what hurts then I'll answer one of your questions." I said not thinking.

Klaus didn't answer at first, he was thinking, an idea arrived and he knew what he had to ask.

"Fine, my back hurts." He said.

"Okay now you ask." I said.

"What's hurting you the most right now?" He asked.

"Definitely my head, my stomach feels way better than before." I said.

The words sat in the air until Klaus proposed something.

"One more question each." Klaus said.

"Fine then." I said.

"You can go first." He said.

"What happened to your back?" I asked him.

He groaned.

"You know the one man who works for count Olaf, the one who's very tall and strong. I think he's got a tattoo on his knuckles." He said.

"Yeah I know him." I said.

Klaus sat up and moved to the edge of his bed facing away from me. He began unbuttoning his shirt as he talked.

"When I was on my way back here, he spotted me in the hallway. He started chasing me but I wasn't fast enough." He said unwrapping his bandages.

Klaus's bloody back was exposed to me now, deep cuts ran up and down it. The lines covered each other and ran across his shoulder blades, meaning, everytime he used his arms it would cause him to feel the pain of all the sliced skin.

"Oh God." I whispered.

"He held me down and..." He explained.

Klaus began to wrap his back with fresh bandages.

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