001 - MadMax

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 Alexandra Harrington was now in her room, seated on her chair while attempting to channel Eleven on her intercom

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Alexandra Harrington was now in her room, seated on her chair while attempting to channel Eleven on her intercom. Alex has been trying to get in touch with her ever since the day she disappeared along with the Demogorgon. She refused to believe that her best friend was dead.

"El? Are you there? It's me. Alex-"

"Alex?" A voice speaks through the intercom. For a second, Alex thought it was El, but then the voice spoke again. "Alex, do you copy?"

It was Dustin.

"Yeah, I copy." She sighs.

"What the hell are you doing on this channel?"


"Whats your haul?"

"Oh shit!" Alex curses. "I don't know yet." She was supposed to get some money from Steve, before he left the house but she completely forgot. She even forgot to change her clothes and get ready.

"What do you mean you don't know yet?"

"Hold on, call the others." The girl says and drops her intercom. She quickly makes her way down to the living room and looks through the furniture for a few quarters, but she can't find any. After that, she rushes to the kitchen and looks all over, but there's nothing there either.

Steve's room was her last hope. She rushes back upstairs to his room, slamming the door shut and searching through his drawers. The girl eventually finds some change hidden right under his books. "Nice hiding spot, Steve." She steals a few quarters and exits the room, making her way downstairs over to the garage to grab her bike.

Once she gets on it, she starts pedaling as fast as she can over to the Wheeler's place, where her and Mike decided to meet.

She gets there, stops and waits for the boy who quickly rushed out of the garage, Nancy chasing him.

"Asshole!" Nancy yells at the boy who was laughing by now.

"Let me guess, you stole from her piggy bank again?" Alex laughs.

"Yup." Mike chuckles. The two were now riding over to the arcade, where they would meet the others.

When they got there, Lucas and Dustin were already waiting for them. "Took you a while." Dustin rolls his eyes playfully.

Right then, Ms. Byers pulls up with her car, dropping off Will.

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