014 - The Gate

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The Byers front door creaks open, catching the groups attention

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The Byers front door creaks open, catching the groups attention. They all point their weapons to the door, ready to attack whatever creature would walk through it, but instead of a creature, it was a girl that stepped in.

It was El.

She had a whole new style. Her hair was grown out and slicked back and she had heavy dark make up on her eyes. She was dressed in a black T-Shirt, with a black coat on top of it. Some blue jeans and white converse.

She looked badass.

"Alex." The girl breathes out walking towards her. Alex was speechless. All this time for over a year, she had thought that her best friend was dead. But she wasn't she was right there, in front of her.

"E-El?" Alex finally spoke, wrapping her in the tightest hug possible.

"Is that..?" Max whispers looking at Lucas, Dustin and Mike, the three nodding.

"I never gave up on you." Alex sobs, pulling out of the hug. "I called you every night for-"

"353 days." El finishes. "I heard."

"W- What? Why didn't you tell me you were there?" Alex asks the girl, confused. "That you were okay?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper speaks, causing the two girls to turn around and face him. "The hell is this? Where have you been?" He walks up to Eleven, causing Alex to slightly back away. The mam then pulls El into a hug, which she returned.

"You've been hiding her." Alex speaks in realization. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" Her tone raises in anger. She couldn't help but punch Hopper in the shoulder.

"Hey!" Hopper turns around, placing his hand on the smaller girl.

"Leave her alone!" Mike pushes his hand away.

"Lets talk." Hopper looks at Alex. "Alone." He then turns to Mike and leads the girl into another room, but Mike didn't listen. He entered the room, joining the two's conversation which was turning into an argument.

"Protecting her?" Alex looks at the man in disbelief. "Protecting her?"

"Listen to me." Hopper says, closing the door. "The more people know about her, the more danger she's in."

"So what?" Alex shouts. "I should be thanking you?"

"I'm not asking you to thank me." Hopper says in a much calmer tone. "I'm just asking you to understand."

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