006 - Looking for Dart

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"Something's off about Dart

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"Something's off about Dart." Alex says. She was with Mike and Will in front of her locker while the other three, Max, Dustin and Lucas were headed to Mr. Clarke's classroom, after they finally convinced Dustin that Mr. Clarke wouldn't steal his discovery.

"I think so too." Will speaks up.

"What do you mean off?" Mike asks.

"Once I touched him, it felt... weird. It gave me flashbacks from when the Demogorgon pulled me into that tree." Alex tries explaining.

"I think he's from the Upside Down." Will adds. "A few months after my mom and the chief saved me, I saw something and it looked just like him."

Alex looks at the two. "We've got to stop them." She says, referring to Lucas, Dustin and Max. Mike stays quiet for a minute, observing what Will and Alex just said and then nods. The three immediately start running down the hallways until they got to the science classroom.

"Stop!" Mike yells, bursting through the door, Will and Alex right behind him. "I'm so sorry Mr. Clarke it was just a stupid prank." Mike comes up with a lie while Alex picked up the box with Dart from the table.

"What are you doing?" Dustin asked, raising his hands up in confusion.

"We gotta go!" Alex replies, running out of the room.

"Right now! Right now!" Mike shouts and follows Alex with Will right behind him.

Lucas, Max and Dustin share a confused look and then rush after the other three. They met up in front of the A.V. Room, Mike opening the door and letting everyone in instead of Max.

Alex would've complained about this, but this was too important to wait for. Maybe she would catch Max up with the information later.

"I don't understand." Lucas shakes his head. Alex, Will and Mike had just finished explaining what they found out about Dart.

"What do you not understand?" Alex asked the boy.

"Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?" Lucas questions.

"Kind of, but there was no tail." Will responds.

"But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound." Mike speaks.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Dustin looks at Will.

"I wasn't sure."

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