009 - Vines

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(I'm so sorry about the picture😭)

(I'm so sorry about the picture😭)

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"All right. I'm 3.6 inches, what do you got?" Bob turns to Mike. The two adults and two kids we're now trying to find the exact location where Hopper was, Will helping them when he could.

"I'm not sure, Alex?" Mike now turns to Alex, holding the end of a measuring tape in his hands.

"Hold on." Alex says and rushes over to Jonathan's room with the other end of the measuring tape. "Twenty-one feet, four inches!" She yells.

"What about Tippycanoe to Danford Creek?" Bob now asks.

"Where's Danford?" Alex furrows her eyebrows.

"Dining room." Will points.

Joyce now rushes over to the Dining room to measure the distance since she was the closest. "Sixteen feet, ten inches." She sighs.

"What about Danford to Jordan?" Bob asks again.

"Oh, come on!" Alex says, throwing her head back. "This has got to be enough." She walks up to the table where Bob was, Mike, Joyce and Will following.

"It's not, it's really not." Bob looks at her and continues measuring on a smaller map of Hawkins.

"Okay, can't you figure it out?" Joyce breathes out. Her, Mike and Alex were absolutely exhausted. They have been running around the whole house for the past hour, measuring the distance between some labeled places.

"Well, it's hard. The ratio isn't exactly one-to-one." Bob explains. "I mean if you're twisting my arm, and you are twisting my arm, I would say that the X is..." Bob looks at his map. "Maybe half a mile southeast from Danford?" He guesses.

"Finally!" Alex smiles looking at Mike.

"Thank you. Thank you!" Joyce thanks Bob, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She then grabs the map and the keys from the table and runs out of the place, the three kids following.

"Wait, are we really going?" Bob gets up and rushes after the four.


"Are we close?" Joyce turns to Bob. They were driving to where Bob guessed the "X" might have been.

"We're in the vicinity." Bob answers, not taking his eyes off of the map.

"What's that mean, the vicinity?" Joyce furrows her her eyebrows.

"I-It means were close." Bob stutters. "I don't know, it's not precise!"

"But we did all that work!" Alex speaks.

"I told you, the scale ratio isn't exactly one-to-one." Bob repeats. "We needed to take-"

"Turn right." Will cuts Bob off, his eyes closed.

"What?" Joyce furrows her eyebrows.

"I saw him." He opens his eyes.

"Where?" Alex and Mike turn to the boy.

"Not here. In my now-memories."

"In your what?" Bob asks, completely confused.

"Turn right!" Will shouts ignoring Bob's question, and Joyce suddenly turns right, hitting some stacks of hay, causing everyone to scream and Alex to slightly hit her head on Mike's shoulder.

Joyce was about to hit the car in front of her, which turned out to be Hopper's truck, but luckily she hit the break right in time and she stopped just a few inches behind his car.

"Are you okay?" Mike turns to Alex, immediately after the car stopped. The girl nods. It was really cute how he always cared about her, she thought.

"That was..." Joyce breathes out.

"A hell of a ride." Mike finishes.

"Super spy." Alex turns to Will and Mike.

"What's Jim doing here? Joyce?" Bob turns to Joyce. The four haven't told him anything about why they're searching for the X.

"Boys, Alex, I need you to stay in here." Joyce turns back to the three kids in the backseat.

"No. Mom, Mom, Mom, it's not safe!" Will shouts after his mother. However she chose to not listen to him and go out of the car. "Thats why I need you to stay here." She says, closing the door. "Stay here!" She repeats, pointing to the three and then walks away with Bob following.

The two adults stood in front of the huge hole, looking at it for a few moments until they decided to start digging into it and eventually going inside.

Alex felt useless at this moment. She didn't know how to help, and plus she didn't want to get Joyce mad with not listening to her.

About 10 minutes passed by and Will started begging the two to get out of the car. They ended up agreeing, and went out to examine the hole.

Vines. Vines were surrounding the hole. That's what Hopper was talking about when he told Joyce.

They stood there for a few moments in silence, until a bunch of vans pulled up from behind them. The three turned around to see the same vans that were chasing them last year, with El.

The bad men. They were there.

Some masked men came out of the vans which first scared the three kids, causing them to slightly back away, but the men completely ignored them. They walked past them and immediately jumped into the hole.

Alex decided to go take a closer look to see what the masked men were doing, and to see if Joyce and Bob found the chief.

Turns out the masked men were burning the hole and all the vines that were in it and surrounding it. That got Alex worried. Bob and Joyce were still in that hole.

"Alex!" The girl then heard Mike yell from behind. She immediately turns around to see Will laying on his side, on the ground. He was shaking heavily.

"Will?" She runs back over to the two and drops to the ground. The boy flips, now laying on his back, his mouth wide open and his eyes turned back. It was terrifying. Loud and painful screeches were coming out of him and his shaking didn't stop. It only got worse and worse, and the worst thing was that Mike and Alex had no idea what to do.

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