012 - The Mind Flayer

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Alex, Mike, Joyce and Hopper were now on their way to the nearest exit, Hopper leading them with Will on his shoulder, a gun in his hands and a flashlight

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Alex, Mike, Joyce and Hopper were now on their way to the nearest exit, Hopper leading them with Will on his shoulder, a gun in his hands and a flashlight. He previously gave his intercom to Alex, so she was the one who was communicating with Dr. Owens.

They were carefully walking through the hallways, Hopper pointing his flashlight on every side just incase and after a few minutes, they finally got to the exit. The only thing they were waiting for now was Bob.

Joyce was still inside, right in front of the door, the rest of the group outside. And after a few minutes of waiting, the three hear Joyce's loud and painful scream from inside. Hopper immediately rushes back inside, dropping Will on the ground and Alex couldn't help but follow him.

Once they enter the lab, they see Bob on the floor with a Demogorgon on top of him, it's claw in his skin, and it's flower face digging into it.

"No!" They hear Joyce scream, her hands over her mouth, tears filling her eyes.

Alex immediately puts her arm up, throwing the Demogorgon away from the man who was terribly hurt. She then tilts her head on her side, causing the creature's head to snap off.

Three more Demogorgon's then burst into the room attracted by all the blood, causing the girl to panic.

"Shit!" She curses looking at Hopper, waiting for him to tell her what to do.

"Go!" He slightly pushes her over to the door, loading his gun to shoot the Demogorgon's.

Alex then jogs out of the place, shocked by what she just saw. Blood was dripping down both of her nostrils and tears filled her eyes. She looks at Mike, who immediately rushed over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "What happened?" He asks with a confused and shocked face.

"He's dead." The girl sobs.

Bob Newby. Superhero.


The group was now in the Byers house, along with the rest of the party and the older teens; Steve, Nancy and Jonathan.

Alex was next to her brother, the two of them on the kitchen counter with Mike sitting next to them. Steve had wrapped the girl in a side hug, while her and Mike were explaining what happened in the lab. With that, Steve found out that his sister had superpowers which completely shocked him. It was now his turn to tell Alex and Mike what happened.

"So we were in the bus, me and Dustin, and Max and Sinclair were on the roof watching out for any of those monsters. Oh and by the way, Dustin has this massive crush on Max, but don't tell anyone." Steve whispers, pointing to Max who was on the kitchen table with Lucas and Dustin. "And then Lucas was like '10 o'clock! 10 o'clock!' But the monster wasn't taking the bait, so I went over to it and I was totally ready to beat it's ass with my bat, but then Lucas was like '3 o'clock!' 3 o'clock!' So I had to run back, but I still beat the shit out of those bitches." He smiles, causing the two to slightly laugh.

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