Don't Give Dorothy A Bat

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Time passed at Hogwarts. The autumn leaves were turning a mix of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns as September came close to an end. But the end of September also meant another thing...

Quidditch tryouts.

Now Jasper was still too young to try out as he was only a first year, but he was excited with the prospect of watching the tryouts to get a feel of what Quidditch would be like.

So he was up at dawn filled with excitement.

He was interested in seeing an actual tryout, he wanted to know how the tryouts would go so he was prepared for next year - plus it would be fun to watch!

It was quite crazy to him that he had been at Hogwarts for almost a whole month. It seemed just yesterday an owl flew into his window, and Professor McGonagall told him about the Wizarding World.

He had learnt so much in a month.

It was odd how quickly his life had changed.

One moment he was taking care of all of his siblings, making sure they got fed, and didn't get hurt, being careful of both his mum, and dad, making sure he, or his siblings didn't disturb them, and most importantly making sure his brothers were safe, and loved. All the while thinking how much of a freak he was because of these odd happenings, and now because of a letter he had found out he was a wizard, and now was at a magic school making friends, real friends, and away from his parents.

But that also meant his brothers were alone with his mum, and dad.

Which is why this school was important in the first place, once he got better at shield charms, and other defensive spells his brothers would be safe from harm right?

He just wished his brothers didn't have to be alone with their parents. He wished there was a way he could just pop in the house daily to make sure everything was okay, and if it wasn't he could stop it or direct the attention to himself rather than one of his little brothers.

It wasn't just their safety he was concerned about though, Jasper just wanted to see them! He wanted to be able to talk to them, in a way that didn't involve letters going back, and forth.

Jasper wondered how their school year was going. Were his brothers teachers nice? Were they mean? How hard was their work? What was their homework like? Were any of the kids at school giving them trouble? Did they make any friends? How was Edgar behaving in school? How was Ethan doing with maths? Was Francis listening, and not just ignoring people as he sometimes did? How was Toby handling all the new responsibilities with Jasper gone? Jasper in truth still felt horribly guilty about leaving him with all the danger, stress, and responsibility that came with being the oldest sibling in their house.

Jasper suddenly felt a feeling of panic coming on thinking about the wellbeing of his brothers, but it was interrupted by the sound of someone falling.

He already knew who it was, and he sighed, the feeling of panic fading. He opened his curtains, and saw Harry on the floor rubbing his forehead.

"Number one..." Jasper started. "Are you okay, and number two, how did you even fall, there are curtains?" Jasper made sure to close Harry's curtains at night.

Harry sat up. "I'm alright, thank you." He stretched. "I just kinda..." Harry motioned, rolling, and falling to the floor.

Jasper nodded, and slid onto the floor so he was on the same level as Harry. "Well that's your fault for sleeping so weirdly."

Harry looked up at him. "I don't sleep weird."

"You do." Jasper said.

"And how do you know? Do you watch me sleep?"

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