I Will Never Forget You

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Mentioned abuse.

Harry looked over to Jasper who was sitting beside him. All the Hufflepuff first years were going home for the winter holidays so their little compartment was packed. Jasper was staring out the window intently watching as the countryside whisked past. He was tapping his foot against the floor repeatedly, he seemed....anxious?

"You okay Jaz?" Harry asked him.

Jasper looked over to him, and gave a small smile. "Yeah, it's just...you know, seeing my family for the first time in months, and..." He hesitated, trying to think of what to say. "I'm just anxious to get home. I miss everyone."

Harry gave a nod as Marty said, "I think the winter holidays are great. No school, and no homework!"

They continued talking while the train travelled back to England. All the while Jasper was really stressed about going home. He didn't need to go home, he could have chosen to stay at Hogwarts, but he wanted to see how his brothers were doing, he was hoping Toby was telling the truth, that everything was actually okay at home, that he wasn't just lying in his letters. He hoped the protego charm was enough to protect his brothers from harm, but he wasn't sure. There must be stronger charms out there that older students learnt. Maybe he could somehow find out how to ask Professor Tutman about harder spells after the break. Right now he would just have to hope that protego would be enough - if he could even perform it again, that is.

"You know, I have heard that Hogwarts has a pretty cool holiday feast." Penelope told them when one of the twins brought up that one of their cousins was staying over at Hogwarts for the holidays. "Maybe next year we can all stay to see if that's true."

"Well it's Hogwarts, it has to be magical at Christmas time." Jonathan said. "One of our cousins told us that it was pretty cool, their muggleborn friend was blown away - oh Jasper I think you'd like it!"

"What?" Jasper asked, seeming to have spaced out.

"I think you'd like Christmas at Hogwarts!" Jonathan repeated. "You should stay next year, it'd be cool."

Jasper seemed hesitant. "No, I would rather go home. I would miss my brothers too much."

"It's only an extra two weeks."

"Oh, I can get that." Maryrose said, referring to what Jasper had said. "When it was only Pandora going to school, and not me, I was always worried that she wouldn't come home for holidays, but she always did. It was a promise she made. She even brought her friend, and his brother once or twice."

Jasper waved a hand to her, glad that Maryrose understood. "Exactly, I wouldn't want to make them worry like that. You're supposed to spend the holidays with your family anyway, and it isn't like my brothers would have the chance to have a magical Christmas or whatever...I hope they do, but for now, I will bring the magic to them."

"You know I think Hogwarts should allow families to visit Hogwarts." Marty said. "Then no one would ever be homesick, and then kids that don't have the opportunity to go can at least see it."

"My little sister would love Hogwarts." Dorothy said. "We could create chaos together!"

"How do muggles celebrate Christmas?" Gifford asked. Jasper looked to him from the window realising he was talking to him. "Like how do they get the decorations up without magic?"

Jasper bit his lip, feeling quite tense. "Um..."

"He may not celebrate Christmas, Gifford." Penelope said. "Not everyone does." She turned to Jasper. "What do you celebrate Jasper?"

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