Family Issues

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It was Friday, and Jasper would not get out of bed.

"Jasper, you have to." Harry said. "Defence is important. Especially now."

"I don't feel well." Jasper said. It was true, he actually did not feel well. He felt sick, sick with nerves.

"I know you're scared of Moody." Harry started. "But you still need to go to class. Maybe today's class will be better!"

"Yeah." Gifford said. "You're the one that says that Defence is the most important class. All the time. You can't miss it."

"I know." Jasper murmured from where he was lying face down on his pillow.

"So you need to get up." Jonathan said.

Jasper turned, and faced the three of them, all of whom were dressed. He really did feel sick though. He was honestly terrified of Moody. He made his insides crawl with nervousness, and his stomach hurt from honest fear. He knew it was stupid because he had heard the other students from higher years say great things about Professor Moody, but Jasper couldn't control his nerves, and those nerves were making him feel like he needed to throw up.

Harry was looking him over, concerned. "Well, I mean, you do look a bit paler than usual."

"Maybe we should get him matter." Jonathan suggested.

Harry sighed. "Jonathan, just because everything is matter, does not mean you call everything matter."

"Oh sorry."

Harry shook his head, chuckling. He had started to teach them science, and they were having a bit of a hard time understanding it, but they would get there. They needed time. There was nothing wrong with that. He turned back to Jasper. "But yes, let's get you to Madam Pompfrey, I am sure she has some sort of potion that could help you."

Jasper slowly sat up. "Okay..." He said hesitantly. He didn't want to go to Defence class, or better yet, he did not want to see Moody. He wished he could just stay in bed, and teach himself Defence. Why did the magical world have to have potions that could cure sicknesses? You could not even have the excuse to miss school.

"Come on." Harry said, dragging Jasper out of bed.

After Jasper was dressed, they went to the Hospital Wing, and then down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Jasper had the potion in his hand. What if he just didn't drink it? Could he take the morning off? But Harry was watching him, so he did end up taking it. It didn't have the best taste, but it helped a lot actually. His stomach stopped hurting, and his nerves calmed.

Jasper hoped it would last when he was actually in the class.

Jasper finished eating pretty quickly, and went over his schedule for today. He had Defence Against The Dark Arts with a very scary man, then he had lunch, then Flying class, and then he was going to tutor Anthony. Jasper wondered if Ian was going to distract Christopher again, he had been for every session, but Jasper decided it would be best to remind him.

He went over to the Ravenclaw table where Ian was sitting, and said hello. Ian told Jasper he was working on this new spell with his older sister, and Jasper found that very cool. He had no idea people could make spells, but of course, that's how all spells came to be.

"So, I was thinking." Ian started. "That asking him muggle questions has been working out pretty well, so I compiled a list of questions I have for him tonight." Ian pulled out a pretty long piece of parchment. "For example, what is the point of a typewriter? What is a typewriter? Why do you use pencils instead of quills? What is the use of a rubber duck? Why do muggles not have butterbeer?" Ian looked over at Jasper. "I have many more, those are just some examples, and if my sister's calculations are correct, it will take about an hour and fifteen, maybe an hour, and a half if I could distract him with me doing something called a cartwheel."

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