The Opening Match

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The week went by, and the Hufflepuff first years were back to having their natural hair colour. Marty went to meet up with James for the one on one quidditch match, and they both were out for the whole day not giving up, so when it was curfew they just called it a tied game. (After convincing from the other Hufflepuffs, and Remus, of course.)

October moved along quickly. The first years were busy with their classes. Jasper, and Marty were the top students in flying, and even though Harry absolutely despised heights he figured out how to control his broom so he wouldn't go too high when they were tossing the quaffle back, and forth.

History was still quite a bore for the first years besides Harry, but they were now finding it more interesting since Harry would help them sometimes with it.

"In 1612." Harry started to the Hufflepuff first years around the fire. "The Goblins arranged a rebellion to overthrow wizards, and one of the rebellions took place in Hogsmeade."

"But why?" Jasper asked.

"The goblins didn't get treated right by wizards, and they had finally had enough." Harry told them. "So they arranged a rebellion to take them down." He lowered his voice. "There was a lot of bloodshed."

The first years watched with wide eyes. "Cool." Dorothy whispered, Venom sitting on top of her head.

Harry shook his head. "It was very violent, but not a good type of violent." Were there any good types of violence? Harry thought. "The Goblins wanted equal rights, and they thought after time, and time of negotiating with the Ministry, that there was only one way they could settle this..."

"Which was?" Asked Penelope.

Harry paused. "War." A chorus of oooo's went up from the first years. "So now we go onto the wars..."

Jasper was enjoying Hogwarts, and he was getting even more excited because the first quidditch match was coming up, and he was so excited to finally be able to see an actual game. It would be between Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor, and each team had been granted a new captain this year, so no one really knew how it was going to go.

The match was happening the day before Halloween, and it was a very wet, and grey day, but nevertheless the whole school was filled with excitement.

The first year Hufflepuffs were in the stands bundled up waiting for the match to start, Jasper, and Marty were the most excited, but especially Jasper since he had been the only one in their year that had never seen an actual quidditch game before.

"I'm so excited!" Jasper exclaimed. He looked at Harry who looked on the brink of being miserable. "I am finally going to see an actual game, and oh my god, it's our house too!" He was jumping up, and down in excitement. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..."

Harry steadied Jasper who was about to fall over if he kept jumping. "Jasper, I know you're excited, but be careful! I don't want you to slip."

"I am being careful!" Jasper yelled, almost slipping again. "Sorry...I am just so excited!!"

Harry laughed. Even though he wasn't a fan of flying, watching quidditch could be fun. He just wished the weather was a little nicer, but it was nice to see his friend so excited.

Finally Madam Hooch stepped out onto the pitch, and then came the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor quidditch teams...

"Welcome everyone to the first match of the 1971 Hogwarts House Championship Quidditch season!" The commenter who was from Ravenclaw exclaimed. "We begin with a match between Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor!" Everyone clapped, though everyone did notice that the Slytherins booed for the Gryffindors.

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