Flying Lessons

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"How are you feeling Jaz?" Harry asked the next day.

Jasper rubbed his eyes, just wanting to go back to sleep. He had a restless night, and he did not want to get into it. "I'm okay, just a bit tired." He hopped off his bed, and grabbed a pair of trousers, and a jumper from his trunk. "I am going to go ask Tutman again." He went into the washroom to change.

Harry yawned, and grabbed his Transfiguration book from his night table, and started to read the content, reviewing what they had done so far. Professor McGonagall had told them to start paying extra attention in lessons as she would be dropping hints for the exams.

He was trying to plan out a studying schedule in his head. They would probably get homework daily now so if Harry did the homework the day he got it, and it took one to two hours, he should be able to study for about 30 minutes after.

It would go something like that. He needed to write it down on a piece of parchment, and he cursed himself for not doing it earlier.

Harry looked over to Gifford, and Jonathan who were still sleeping. Harry shook his head. They were always sleeping, but it was 9:00AM, and it was a Saturday. He picked up Lou, who was nibbling the end of his blanket, and he grabbed some rat food from his trunk, and put a pile in his hands, and Lou nibbled that instead.

"Much better Lou." Harry told her. "Don't want you digesting blanket."

Jasper came out of the washroom, dressed. He went over to Harry, and gave a quick pat to Lou, who was happily munching on rat food. "Also I am starting tutoring today!" Jasper exclaimed, a bit brighter at that. "After lunch."

Harry was stroking Lou's head. "Have fun Jaz." He looked up at him, as Gifford started to stir from his bed. "Tell me how it goes?"

"I will!" Jasper exclaimed. He went to the door. "See you all in a bit!" He left the dorm, and went down the stairs.

Gifford sat up, stretching. "Where's he off to?" He yawned.

"Tutman." Harry replied.

"He seems really worried about Defence." Gifford murmured. "Although you seem nervous about exams too."

"Well, I want to do well." Harry said.

"We all do." Gifford said. "But I get why you're stressed."

"What – how?"

"You have a lot of pressure on you, don't you?" Gifford asked. "I mean we all got that gist from you the first week. You put a lot of pressure on yourself, because of the expectations you are expected to meet."

This was all true. God, why did Gifford have to be so insightful? He was sometimes very good at reading people. Harry noticed a lot of his housemates were. Yes, he needed to do well, if he didn't, he would feel like he disappointed everyone. People assumed him to be perfect, and he needed to keep up the image. Even though many people already knew he wasn't at all talented in things his mother was, he still needed to do well academically. He was not sure if anyone would figure out his reasoning as to why though; it was not just his overwhelming sense that he needed to be successful – or well, it added to that feeling.

Harry sighed. "Well yes, but–"

"Harry, don't worry." Gifford said while putting on his cross necklace. "You will do great! You're really smart, don't overwork yourself."

Harry nodded, taking in these words. He didn't feel smart. Not at all. "Thanks Gifford." He looked over to Jonathan, who was stirring. "Wow, and it is only 9:30."

Gifford looked at his twin. "Wow, him waking before 12 on a weekend. I will mark the calendar!"

"I heard that." Jonathan murmured sleepily from his bed.

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