Forty One.

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My heavy eyes opened slowly. A warm breeze brushed against my forehead. I carefully looked up to see Felix's head drooping over mine, his breath was softly hitting me, causing the breeze.

We were sitting on the sofa, slumped to one side. His arms were draped around me, and he appeared to be fast asleep. His hair fell over his eyes and ticked my cheek. Wow, I was glad to be back.

It was then that I remembered my tattoo. I looked down and saw the big, white bandage. Slowly, I reached out and touched it. Although it stung a little, it reminded me of Felix, and how we were together now, and we always would be.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table. Without waking up Felix, I reached out and grabbed it. Oh! Sierra! I needed to thank her for sorting out me and Felix.

The text was from Sierra anyway.

From: Sierra

How's you and Felix? Last time I saw you it looked like my magic had worked. xxx

I sent her a selfie with Felix asleep next to me.

To: Sierra

Does that answer your question? Thanks for your help. xxx

I told her we needed to call each other to talk about the details of last night.

Felix stirred and I heard him yawn. "Morning, bab."

"Morning." I replied, watching Felix wake up. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into my neck. "Let's look at our tattoos." I said.

"Just five more minutes..." he mumbled, snuggling into me.

"Get up..." I giggled, pulling his arm and making him get up. He groaned and leaned against the door, his eyes blurry and his voice thick with sleep.

"How are you such a morning person?" Felix groaned.

I took my shirt off and carefully removed the bandage. The tattoo was perfectly shaped, with the dark, black ink going in swirls on my chest. "Wow..." Felix reached out and touched it.

"Hey, hands off my bra!" I giggled and pointed to him. "Go on, look at yours."

He took off the bandage and gasped. "Oh my god. I actually fucking love it. We look so cool."

Laughing, I pulled my shirt back on. "We need to get my stuff from the hotel later." I remembered.

"Ah, yeah." he nodded. "I also need to return something to you." Felix smirked and went over to the window sill. He picked up a small, pink bottle.

"Oh! My perfume!" I grinned, taking it carefully from his hands. "Did I leave it here?"

"Yeah. I would spray it when I missed you 'cos it smelt like you..." he looked embarrassed.

"Aw. Really?" I asked.

"Yep." he shrugged. "But now you're here, so I can just inhale you."

"That's creepy." I giggled.

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