(Law) Chapter 5 - Friendship

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"... so Chopper says we don't have much more than two weeks."

"He really kept it from you for that long?" Law asked, shocked. His own crew could barely keep a secret for a day before he found out. Not that they dared try very often these days. They'd all discovered the hard way how much he liked secrets and surprises. The thought of switching their heads still got a smug smirk out of him.

"Yeah," Strawhat said over the snail transponder. "I've already scolded Chopper about it."

"Good. It's not a good idea to keep too many secrets in a crew." Especially from the captain.

"...This hurts, Torao. He's my friend, I don't wanna lose him." The pain in Luffy's voice made Law wish he could hug the younger captain. "And I know you probably don't care and you've got your own crew and your own problems to worry about, and maybe I shouldn't even have told you, but...I needed to talk to someone and... I felt like you'd understand. After all, you saw me at my weakest, when I was sure I'd lost everything, and you still didn't look down on me."

Law sighed, wishing he had more to offer the other. "I do understand. And I do... care, Mugiwara-ya. Losing people... well, it doesn't seem to get easier." Especially when you're the captain and your crew needs you to be strong for them. "So if you need to talk to someone outside your crew, you can talk to me. I may not always have the right words, but... I'll listen."

"... thank you."

Oh fine, he was going to admit it. Maybe it would cheer Luffy up. "What are friends for?"

Sure enough, a soft 'shishishi' came through after a few seconds. "You finally gave in, huh? I knew you'd admit to being my friend someday."

"Don't make it a thing, Mugiwara-ya." Law was really glad the other couldn't see him, because he was pretty sure he was blushing like an idiot. When had he become so fond of Luffy's laugh? It had annoyed him, once, probably because that laughter was often associated with his well thought out plans being smashed to pieces by the impulsive captain and his crew. Now it had him wanting to hear it again.

"You're the one who made it a thing by denying it for so long! I wanted to be friends ever since you helped me out!"

"Captain, we're approaching the next island," Penguin announced through the door, saving him from embarrassing himself further.

"Understood." Law acknowledged before he spoke into the handset again. "We're preparing to land, so I have to go. But I'll keep my promise to help Zoro-ya in any way I can. I'll let you know what I find."

"Okay. Thanks again, Torao."

"...Yeah." He forced himself to close the connection, even though part of him wanted to talk longer.

Donning his hat and jacket, Law left his room, feeling the air pressure change as the Polar Tang surfaced. The crew began the process of docking as he gave the few orders needed and assigned three of them to guard the ship. "... And let's try not to cause trouble here, please." He finished, looking at Shachi and Penguin, who nodded guiltily.

With that done, he jumped easily off the ship and made his way towards one of his least favorite places: a hospital. Corazon had never brought him to this particular one, of course, but he'd been treated like a demon at so many that he'd come to hate them all. Still, if anyone would have more detailed information about the hanahaki, it would probably be trained doctors and researchers, so the hospital was the best place to start asking questions.

Twelve days later, he was talking to Luffy again.

"Nothing?" The younger captain asked desperately. Law could picture the tears that were probably in those brown eyes.

"Nothing helpful in this case, anyways. A little more information about it, some information on successful surgeries, but that has to be done earlier, and there's a nasty potential side effect. Not even the slightest hint of any cure other than the traditional one." He let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Mugiwara-ya. I tried."

Law heard a swallow on the other end that was almost a sob. "I know. We did, too.... I guess I have to let him go, don't I? Or else I may risk the rest of the crew...."

"It seems that may be all that's left," Law agreed quietly.

"Will I see you again soon?"

Law grimaced. "I can't guarantee that, but we'll try. It probably won't be before his sendoff, though."

"He's not letting us do a proper sendoff. He's just going to quietly leave. He's even asked Chopper and I not to explain his absence for a couple days after. I think he's afraid the crew won't let him go."

Well, that fit with Law's understanding of the other swordsman, but he still found himself getting a little angry about how much it was clearly hurting Luffy.

"Tell you what, Mugiwara-ya. When we do meet up again, I'll let you hug me for as long as you want or need, without complaining. Will that help, even a little?"

A brief silence. "Yeah. I'd like that. You're a good friend, Torao."

Law was pretty sure he wasn't. Certainly not now, since he was pretty sure good friends weren't supposed to be excited to hug their grieving friend. He wasn't sure he'd ever mastered being a 'good friend', not even when he'd been an innocent and fairly happy child, before his world had fallen apart and left him bitter and angry. But he wanted to be, and Luffy was probably the best person to teach him what that looked like.

Too bad Luffy was also part of the problem.

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