(Law) Chapter 74 - Vows

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Law took a deep breath and his place at the front of the venue, next to Lami and Shachi. The suit was made of an elegant, smooth material with careful tailoring, so it was probably the nerves causing the itching he felt now, although he wasn't sure that the cape hanging from his left shoulder was helping. Lami turned him by the shoulder, smoothing and adjusting his bow tie one more time with a smile.

"You look great, Law. Are you ready?"



"... It's a lot of people," he whispered to her nervously. A lot of important people, his mind added, tallying the number of royalty, city leaders, big-name pirates, and now even upper-level Marine officers in the crowd. All of whom were watching him as he waited for his husband-to-be. He always hated being the focus of attention, especially with a larger group. Not to mention he could feel each picture Bepo was taking, each click putting him a little more on edge.

"None of them matter. Luffy will be here in just a minute and you won't even notice them anymore," she reassured quietly. She was probably right... probably.

"Gods, what if he changes his mind and doesn't come? Or runs off somewhere, distracted, and gets lost?"

Lami's soft smile turned to exasperation at that. "Don't be ridiculous. He's as excited about this as you are. Maybe more. Quit worrying about stupid things." She put a thumb to the space between his brows and pushed up, reminding him to soften his face, before she turned him back to face the door Luffy would come through — and the muttering crowd seated between him and it.

It was eons before the music shifted, but it finally did. He barely noticed as Zoro came up the aisle and took his spot, followed by Sabo.

Then, finally, there was Luffy, carrying a single large sunflower with trailing ribbons.

His suit was almost identical to what Law himself was wearing, except that the cape hung from the opposite shoulder. Law had never been impressed by a man in a well-fitted suit, but on Luffy, well, he finally saw the appeal.

And he'd never seen Luffy walk with such... poise. Purpose. This wasn't the confident, angry march that preceded the beat-down of an enemy, or the excited run that Luffy did towards him most days. It had the confidence and excitement of both, but this was stately, controlled. As beautiful as the man himself, who was blushing and grinning as he approached. Law felt tears trying to form in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall, opting to smile back at his lover instead as their hands met.

He couldn't say he listened as Robin did her reading, or as the officiant waffled on for a bit about the significance of marriage and the joys of two individuals binding their lives together. He was far too caught up in the sparkles in Luffy's big brown eyes, the warm hands that held his, the dark brown hair that curled just a little more than usual.

Then the judge announced that it was time for the vows. As previously agreed, Luffy was to go first.

"I'm not very good with words, y'know," Luffy started, not even pulling out any sort of notecard or anything. "To be honest, I've had half our crew try to help me write out what I'd say today, but then I got rid of most of it because those words weren't mine. And the words I give you today needed to be mine, even if they're not poetic or beautiful. So here's the pure and simple truth: I love you, Trafalgar Law. You are my anchor, not because you hold me down, but because you keep me steady and safe from being smashed against the rocks or blown off course in a storm. You are a part of me, maybe the best part of me. You make me better, you always have my back, and I wanna always do the same for you. I want it all. Every morning and every evening. Every soft moment and every fight. Every minute, every hug, every laugh, every irritated sigh, every 'how-the-fuck-did-we-survive-that?!' moment, and all the 'dammit-Luffy-I-had-a-plan!' ones, too."

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