(Luffy) Chapter 34 - Accident

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A/N: I just wrote a 5300+ word chapter, y'all. (Not this one. I think it's gonna end up being like chapter 47 ish?) Anyways, I'm proud of myself, so y'all get a third chapter this week to celebrate.

It was a long, quiet ride back to the tethered ships, but Luffy didn't notice. He fell asleep about ten minutes into it, sated with food and fun. A slender hand shook him lightly from his slumber, with a sweet voice that called his name echoing through his dreamscape. He managed to open his eyes, and saw Torao in front of him, smiling softly.

"There you are. We're... home."

"Mmkay." Luffy made no effort to move. In fact, he closed his eyes again. He'd been having a nice dream, and though it was already fading from his memory, he thought maybe if he stayed here he could sink back into it.

His response seemed to amuse Law. "C'mon, wake up, babe. I'd carry you back, but your crew might think I poisoned you or something. You know they still don't trust me completely."

Luffy was pretty sure they did, but just enjoyed the power trip of teasing Law. Though they could be a little overprotective lately...

"Only if I can sleep beside you tonight. I sleep better when you're near."

"... then we'd have to sleep somewhere on your ship. I'm not sure how well I can resist my impulses if I have you alone in a private room."

Luffy opened his eyes again, trying to ignore Law's blush. "Wanna camp out on the deck, then? The weather's nice for it. And Sanji bought a little fire pit. We could toast marshmallows together."

"That sounds nice. But I'll have to come over after dinner. After everything I put my crew through in the last week, I promised them I'd cook my specialty."

"That can wait until tomorrow, Captain." Penguin's voice came from the newly-opened door. "Blackleg's already invited us over for dinner, and he's a better cook than you. Full offense intended. Did you two have fun?"

Luffy grinned and was about to start gushing about their date, but Law sighed an answer instead. "Peng, was there something so urgent that you couldn't even wait for us to disembark?"

"You were taking so long we were concerned that something was wrong."

"... Uh-huh." Law said dubiously. "You're still a terrible liar. You're just being nosy, aren't you?"

"Absolutely, sir." Penguin declared with a shit-eating grin. "It's not every day our dear 'Surgeon of Death' goes on a date."

Luffy began laughing. "You two are funny!"

Law gave him a tiny smirk, one Luffy knew was just for him. "I'm going to send you back to your ship so I can deal with this scoundrel. I guess I'll be over for dinner, okay?"

Luffy stretched up and kissed his cheek. Law blushed again, which made Luffy want to do it more. "You better!" A blue bubble surrounded him, and he was suddenly on the deck of the Sunny.

"Oh? Welcome back, Captain," Zoro called from where he and Sanji were laying in the shade.

"Shishishishi! I'm back! Do you know that that island has a food festival? AN ENTIRE FESTIVAL! OF FOOD! It was so much fun!"

"Aw, now I'm a little jealous," Sanji complained. "I bet I could've picked up some new recipes..."

"You have like, 50 recipe books. Surely you have enough recipes, curly-brow," Zoro teased him.

A small explosion sounded from the upper deck, but neither Sanji nor Zoro jumped. "Usopp working on a new invention, then?" Luffy asked them.

"Yep. We've been hearing that most of the day."

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