(Law) Chapter 15 - Apologies

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"...You okay, Torao?"

He could feel the worry in Luffy's gaze even without looking at the smaller man. It took some effort, but he managed to stop his laughter."I don't even know anymore. You and your crew, you utterly baffle me. You defy all reason."

Luffy grinned at that, like Law had just given him the biggest compliment he could imagine, and Law could feel his heart leap at that grin. He should always smile like that. That smile made the world a little more dazzling.

"Well, reason is boring, might as well defy it!"

"I envy your ability to live like that, y'know." The words were out before he could stop them, sounding wistful and admiring at the same time. "I don't think I have it in me to live without a plan, without reason and rules."

"But that's a good thing, too!" Luffy's voice held a sincerity that Law wanted to believe. "It's good to have people around who think differently. I know I haven't always followed your plans, but your plans are good and I never would have thought of them! You see a bigger picture, even while I'm rushing ahead doing whatever I want."

Law gave his friend a small smile. "Yeah. I guess we balance out.... You keep me thinking and re-evealuating my plans, I stop you from actions that might be more detrimental to the future."

"Exactly. That's why I need you." Luffy was suddenly a little more somber again. "I really was mostly joking when I said what I did about your crew joining ours, but... I want our alliance, our friendship, to continue far into the future, okay? Even when I beat you to Raftel. I'll still need you as my friend."

There was that request to stay again, pounding on Law's heart. He wanted to. He wanted to so much. And he knew he couldn't really resist, couldn't not give in. He'd protect Luffy as long as Luffy would let him.

"That doesn't sound too bad," Law said after a brief silence. Then he smirked, "As long as you don't hold a grudge if we beat you to Raftel." He had no intention of ever telling Luffy that he wouldn't really make it a competition, not between the two of them. He'd hold off all of the other Worst Generation and let Luffy slip through, if it came to it. Luffy would make it to Raftel, regardless of whether or not Law did. It had become one of the few certainties in Law's mind.

Luffy laughed again at that. "I wouldn't hold a grudge, but it's not gonna happen!"

Another brief silence. "Hey, Mugiwara-ya?"


"Why didn't you tell Zoro-ya and Tony-ya that you'd asked for my help researching?" It had been on Law's mind for a while, ever since Chopper had called him. He felt like he'd been kept a secret. Put in a box to be hidden again. It wasn't a feeling he liked.

The smile slid slowly off Luffy's face as his hand went to the back of his head. "Well... You and Zoro didn't really get along. And Zoro didn't want even our nakama to know how bad he was, and there I was asking for help outside of the people he trusted and... I guess I was afraid it was a violation of his trust, but I needed to try since you're one of the smartest people I knew."

It was about what Law had been expecting, though the compliment made him blush a bit. "Well, you'll be glad to know Zoro-ya and I had a conversation last night and seem to have... reached an understanding, at least."

"So you guys are friends now?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"...well, maybe not that far...."

The excitement on Luffy's face died off a little. "What do you have against friendship anyways? You're always 'no, we're only allies, can't be friends!' Why is that?"

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