(Luffy) Chapter 71 - Prepared

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"Are we sure a week isn't too early, Torao?" Nami asked for about the fourth time. "If we get run out of town before the wedding we're in for a hell of a time trying to reschedule."

Luffy grinned as Law sighed. "Nami-ya, it's fine. The nearest Marine base is a long ways away and this town generally likes pirates. Plus, we are paying them very well, and bringing business."

"We're bringing mostly pirates, Captain. While our crew will behave and do their best to pay for everything so that we don't majorly inconvenience ordinary citizens, can we say that all of our guests will?"

"Shishishi, don't worry so much, Nami! We'll just make it known that if anyone seems to be with our wedding and gets too rowdy, someone can come talk to us! Our crew'll set them straight!"

Nami groaned and muttered, "This from the rowdiest person on our crew...."

Law smirked at him. "He's promised to be on his best behavior, too, since he wouldn't want to ruin all my hard work, right, Luffy?"

"YEP! Scout's honor!"

Nami shook her head with another deep here-we-go-again sigh, then looked to Bepo. "Alright. You heard the Captains... let's bring 'em in for docking."

Bepo nodded and left the navigation room, then made a loud announcement that sent both ships into a flurry of activity.

"I'm going to go talk to the venue owner, make sure there's no issues," Law announced quietly to Luffy. "Do you want to come?"

"No, I want to check out the rest of the island a little." And do a little shopping for their honeymoon, but he wasn't going to say that out loud.

Law nodded and dropped a peck to his forehead. "No chaos here, okay?"

"No chaos," Luffy promised again as they walked out into open sunshine. Law leapt off the ship as soon as docking was completed, but Luffy waited for his shopping partner. Sanji, of course; the only one who could help Luffy with the kind of shopping he needed to do without undue embarrassment. He'd traded a couple hours of packmuling supplies for a little help with his own shopping, but it'd be worth it. Especially if he succeeded in his goal of making his husband either cry happy tears or have a nosebleed on their honeymoon.

Finally, Sanji came out, a list in his hand, and nodded to Luffy. Before they took off though, Sabo stopped him.

"Ivankov and Dragon — and Koala and Hack, of course — were set to arrive today, too. Just didn't want you to risk running into them unprepared."

Luffy nodded his thanks to his brother while Sanji paled a little.

"If you see Hack, send him this way," Jimbei said jovially from behind them. "I'm on guard today, but it'd be good to catch up."

"Will do!" Luffy said with a grin as he and Sanji jumped down to the dock, accompanied by several others who were going various other directions.

"So you're sure about that idea of yours?" Sanji asked, conversationally. "Not everyone is into... that."

"Maybe. But Torao is."

"You know best," Sanji said as they turned into the first store that looked promising. "But I'm beginning to agree with Zoro that it's a bad idea to know too much about your sex life."

The store was more brightly-lit than the last one Luffy had gone into, which meant you could see some of the weirder things better. If you didn't look too closely, it would be easy to think this was a normal store. Tall shelves full of boxed and tagged products, kiosks with some of the more... entertaining options, racks of clothing. But if you looked more closely, the boxes contained ropes and straps and gags, the kiosks held nipple clamps and dildos and various other tools and 'decorations', and the outfits made 'skimpy' look like an understatement.

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