(Luffy) Chapter 67 - Treasured

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A/N: I'm sorry this is late. I think I need to go down to one chapter a week for a while just to keep up with the rest of my life. But again, I promise to finish this story, at least. I do have some other drabbles and possibilities waiting in the wings, both in this AU and in a more canon-compliant one. And maybe others. So we'll see how much falls into this book, lol.

Also... sorryforhowIendedthischapterpleasenoonekillmeokaybye!

"Hey Nami, you said we're reaching an island tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, if Clione's intel is correct. Which it has been so far. Why do you ask?"

"I wanna take Law out on a date when we get there," Luffy explained. "He's been so stressed over all the wedding stuff, and there's not much of that I can help with, but maybe if we have a nice relaxing date he'll feel better about it. Plus we haven't had an off-ship date since they came back this time."

Nami bit her lip, thinking. "The only problem is money. This new budget Ikkaku's got us on barely leaves enough for our expenses, unless we start stealing from civilians. And your dates have not usually been cheap." It had been hard for Nami to let go of her unofficial 'treasurer' role, but thankfully she liked Ikkaku, and the other woman had let her review the budget the two ships would be on until the wedding. Nami had grudgingly agreed that it was a good, well-balanced thing, and it had been officially instated. And with one less job, Nami seemed able to relax a little, though it was no secret that she had her own stash of money and anyone who touched it would die a painful death. "Unless you find a lost treasure or a Marine ship to raid or something, you'll need to find a way to keep it cheap. Which means no restaurants, concerts, etc."

Luffy nodded, trying not to pout. He understood, really, that the wedding was going to require a lot of supplies and money, but he couldn't deny that he'd missed the spoiling he'd gotten before the eight-month separation and the subsequent engagement. "So, if I asked Sanji for picnic food, I could at least take Law for a picnic on a beach or something?"

"That sounds like a reasonable compromise," Nami agreed, a soft, proud smile on her face.

"Ok. I'll do that, then. Thanks!"


The next day, shortly after both ships docked near a sizable port city, Luffy was loaded with a large picnic basket and was pulling his fiance off the ship. Or trying to.

"Luffy, let me go. I've still got wedding stuff to do." Law was almost literally dragging his heels, and it was all Luffy could do to not just pick him up and throw him over his shoulder.

"You are taking a break and going on a date with me! The wedding stuff can wait a few more hours." When Law still resisted his insistent tugging, Luffy put on his saddest puppy-dog face. "Please, Torao? We haven't had a proper date in ages!"

Law looked at him, then back toward the interior of the ship where his study was, then back to him. Then he finally relented. "Ok. You win. But if something at the wedding isn't perfect, I'm blaming you for distracting me."

"Will I be married to you at the end of it?"

"... Isn't that the whole point of a wedding?" Law sounded genuinely confused at that.

"Then it'll be perfect, whatever else happens."

That got understanding and a gentle smile out of Law. "You may not be wrong about that, sunshine. So what are we doing today?"

"A picnic and a walk on the beach! I wanted to do something nicer, but Nami said there's no money for it," Luffy explained, pulling his now much-more-willing fiance off the ship.

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