(Law) Chapter 64 - Changing

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A/N: So, here's how I'm handling Ivankov (who is mentioned in this chapter, and yes, will be appearing in a future chapter) and pronouns: they go by the pronouns for whatever gender they present as at the moment. So if he's male or someone's telling a story where he is male, most people will use 'he/him'. If talking about them at a time when their presentation is unknown, going for 'they/them'. Etc. I wasn't quite sure how else to keep their canonical gender fluidity intact. Especially with the overall vagueness of pronouns in Japanese. 

Thanks for understanding, and as always, for reading!!

"Hey, Law?"

Law hummed a response, not looking up — or rather, down — from his book, but letting the man whose head was comfortably in his lap know he was listening. He couldn't say that he was completely mentally and emotionally recovered from yesterday's attack and the subsequent emotions, but a couple of solid meals and a night of cuddling Luffy had helped significantly. Finishing a good book while surrounded by the calm, cool atmosphere of the aquarium would help more... if Luffy would let him.

"If I'm gonna be the pirate King, and we're gonna be married, does that mean you'll be the Pirate Queen?"

"I'm not a woman, so no." He turned the page idly.

"But Iva-chan isn't always a woman either, and even when they're male everyone calls him Queen, so I didn't think it was a gender thing."

Law sighed and closed the book in favor of focusing on his fiance. "It's what some people call people who dress, act, or in their case, sometimes change into the opposite gender. They call them drag queens. Or drag kings, in some cases, I believe? And so Ivankov-ya, as the primary authority of... what was it called? Kamabakka?... is the Queen of the drag queens. There can be a lot more to it, and I'm certainly not an expert, so if you have more questions you might want to address them to Ivankov-ya if they come to the wedding. Which you still need to decide on, by the way. But to your original question, that wouldn't be the same for me."

"Iva-chan's not the one I'm hesitating about. They can come." Luffy grumbled for a second, then turned back to the original topic. "But then what will you be?"

"Well, typically the male spouse of a reigning monarch is called the King Consort, which doesn't sound too bad."

"King Consort Torao...." Luffy tasted the words thoughtfully before grinning. "It's good, I like it!"

Law shook his head at the nickname, running a hand affectionately through Luffy's hair before returning to his book. However, that only lasted for maybe a minute before Luffy started snickering lightly.

"What?" He closed the book again with a sigh, setting it aside this time. Luffy would not let him finish it right now, and that would just have to be okay. He probably owed him a little extra attention today, anyways, since he'd hurt his lover so badly yesterday.

"I just was thinking about what you'd look like as a queen, and it was really hot but then I knew how embarrassed you'd be in a dress and crown and it was funny to try to picture how red you'd get!"

Lifting an eyebrow, Law asked, "Were you picturing me as me in a dress, or me as a woman in a dress?" He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know, but if Luffy thought it was hot, well, maybe he could feed into a kink for Luffy's sake. After all, Luffy'd fed into plenty of his.

"As yourself. It'd be so pretty on you."

Pretty. Luffy only used that damn word when he really liked something, and Law wasn't sure the other understood what it did to him when Luffy used it about him. The few other people who had ever dared to call him pretty were quickly stopped, and in one case dispatched with extreme prejudice. But when Luffy did it? It was all Law could do not to melt into the floor.

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