(Law) Chapter 13 - Love

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Luffy looked a little hurt as he walked out, and Nami and Chopper were glaring at him like it was his fault. And maybe it was, but Luffy's long hug had been making him uncomfortably comfortable and Luffy was asking him to join him, to be more than temporary allies, and it had been too much, after Rune's prediction and last night's dream.

Especially after last night's dream.

Nami and Chopper both stalked out without another word to him, and it was only once they'd gone that he let himself slump down and bury his face in his hands. Maybe he should go back to the Tang for the night. He was in no mood to party now. Not that he was much of a partier on his best days. But having seen that look on Luffy's face, knowing that Luffy had misunderstood and had practically run from him, he wasn't sure that he could swallow a bite — even of Sanji's delicious food.

He had to make this right. Needed to explain.

How could he explain that, though? What on earth could he possibly even say?! 'Sorry, I dreamt about you last night, so soon after seeing that damn prophetic drawing that you don't want me to tell you about and can't possibly happen like that, and then you were asking me to join, to stay, and I panicked'? Yeah, right. That'd go over well. 'That wasn't directed at you, that was me talking to myself, and then I got mad at myself and snapped at you'? Well, slightly better, but then Luffy might want to know why Law had been telling himself not to push his luck, which brought him right back to problem A.

Problem A was that damn dream and that damn prophecy and what they had meant. Problem A was what Law was unable to deny anymore.

He liked Mugiwara. Not as a friend or an ally, either. Romantically. Sexually. Which might not have been a problem, since Law had never been picky about his sexual partners. He was quick to pursue and bed anyone who caught his eye. Relationships, as such, were rare in his life, since he was always on the move, but there had been a couple. Luffy was the youngest, and in some ways, the most naive of any of the people Law had liked, and that had been hard to work through, but he couldn't deny liking the younger captain. Not anymore.

If only Luffy didn't seem to be about as asexual as it was possible for a person to be! AND, if that weren't enough, he seemed to hate anything that might tie him down. So it wasn't like Law could pursue him, offer him even a non-sexual romantic relationship. Friendship was the most that could ever be. Luffy could never know about these feelings, not until and unless Law was prepared to be tossed aside in Luffy's bid for freedom.

He needed a drink. Or several. Maybe he would stay. Maybe he could figure out how to fix what he'd said later.

He pushed himself up tiredly and left the aquarium to go see if the booze was out yet. He was most of the way there when he was stopped by a familiar blond head popping out of the kitchen. "Oh, hey again Torao. Would you mind finding the Marimo and letting him know food's almost ready? He really should eat tonight, since he's not allowed to eat before his surgery in the morning, and the sooner he does it the less likely it'll be that Luffy eats it all."

Law considered denying the hasty request, telling him to find his boyfriend himself. But Rune had said that Zoro would give him an answer he was searching for, and any answers he could get sounded really nice right now. So he nodded. But still, he'd rather not search the whole ship, if he could avoid it. "Any clue where he might be?"

"He said he was going to shower and meditate, so... probably somewhere quiet..." Sanji closed his eyes for a second, listening. "He's either in Franky's workroom or in the docking system, I think."

Law nodded again, and turned to go further below deck. Zoro was easy to find, right in the middle of the docking system where Sanji had said he might be. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady, so it almost looked like he was asleep. "There you are, Zoro-ya. Your boyfriend sent me to find you for dinner before Mugiwara-ya eats it all."

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