(Law) Chapter 31 - Lessons

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Someone really should sign him up for sainthood. To walk in to Luffy touching himself so innocently — on Law's own bed — and not jump him on the spot was damn near miraculous levels of self-restraint on its own. Then to have him come with a couple sentences and still be so eager to kiss him so sweetly? Control should've been nearly impossible.

And now Luffy was straddling his lap, careful not to rub what was becoming a very painful erection but so very close and warm. To make matters worse, he seemed to be getting better at kissing by the moment... and yet somehow Law was maintaining his self-control. Luffy seemed to sense his distress and pulled back to breathe for a moment.

"Is this okay?" He sounded a little worried.

Law's hand went around the back of his boyfriend's narrow neck. "More than okay. So good." He thought about telling Luffy how quick of a learner he was, or how much he did not ever want to stop kissing him, but decided against it. "Now, twist your head just like this a little and open your mouth, okay?" He gently maneuvered that head to where he wanted, then reconnected their lips, sucking lightly on Luffy's tongue with his own before slowly licking the roof of his mouth.

Luffy let out a little sound, between a moan and a whine, and tried to reciprocate the gesture. Law twisted his own head just a little to make it easier, trying not to choke on Luffy's tongue. He pulled back again. "Make sure you aren't stretching your tongue. There will be other techniques you can do that with, but not this one."

"Takes more concentration to not stretch," Luffy whined between pants. "I keep wanting to feel more of you."

"Shh... More will come soon enough." He returned to those already-swollen lips, nibbling at the lower one just a little until Luffy let him back in.

They kept going in that vein for a little longer until Law finally had to pull back. "We should stop here for today."

Luffy groaned a little, but Law gently maneuvered him off his lap so he could stand. "Stay here for a minute. I'll be right back, okay?" He could ignore his own erection for a little longer. What he could not do was send Luffy back to his crew looking like that. The Strawhats might've mostly approved of the relationship, but if he allowed Luffy to go back looking so ravished, they still might kill him.

He went to the galley and got a few ice cubes before he realized he should've gotten the towel first. Once he'd grabbed that, he wrapped the cubes up as he returned to his room, where Luffy was laying on his bed with his hand over his eyes.

"You okay? Was it too much?" Law asked carefully. The flush had begun to fade from the other's face, but those lips were still so swollen.

Luffy shook his head. "No. But... how do you make it go away without touching it?" His free hand gestured weakly towards his lower half, so that Law knew what he meant. "It doesn't seem to want to go down."

Law couldn't help a slight chuckle at his boyfriend's distress, which was a welcome distraction from thinking about his own. "Well, thinking about something else or taking a cold shower often works. But sometimes your body may give you no choice but to take care of it." He gave him the compress filled with ice. "Here, put this against your lips. They're swollen, and maybe it'll distract you."

Luffy did so, scooting over and patting the space to tell Law to lay down. Law did, silently, trying to keep his hands to himself. But apparently Luffy didn't like the silence, because he lifted the towel from his mouth long enough to say, "Talk to me? Distract me from it..."

Law acknowledged the request with a nod, trying to think of what to say. "Have I already told you how I met Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin?"

Luffy shook his head, then reached for his hand and interlaced their fingers.

Law had to fight to not let that distract him. "I was 13. I'd just lost Cora-san, and didn't know what to do with myself, really. I was stealing food and clothes and medicines, still learning about my new devil fruit powers. But it wasn't enough. I fell asleep in a cave one day and got too cold. I was found just in time by an inventor by the name of Wolf, who took me in. As I started recovering, I went out hunting and for walks and such. Then one day, I come across this walking, talking, clothes-wearing polar bear being bullied by two boys a little older than me."

"I didn't ever like bullies much, but I'd just lived with Doflamingo for three years and realized that he was one of the biggest of them, so I had a lot of anger at that time. I drove the bullies off, told Bepo to be more careful, and thought I'd walk away and move on with my life. But Bepo followed me, already swearing loyalty.

"Wolf let him stay, too, as long as we helped with chores and such. Then just a little while later, we found those same bullies in the woods, beaten up by a wild boar and a grenade they'd tried to use against it. Bepo convinced me to treat them, and once they healed, they also swore loyalty, and so Shachi and Penguin joined our strange little found family. Three years later, Wolf gave us the Tang and we set out as the Heart Pirates."

Luffy made no attempt to respond, and when Law looked over, he saw that the other had fallen asleep, and that the cool compress had fallen off lips that were much less swollen now.

"You should be careful, showing such an innocent face to me after all this," Law chuckled, dropping a soft kiss to Luffy's forehead. "I'm going to send you to your bed now, but I'll see you in the morning." He had no clue if Luffy would hear it, but he at least tried. He activated his power and shifted Luffy into his own bed on his own ship.

But he couldn't help but regret the loss of that small, rough hand in his. 

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