(Law) Chapter 41 - Intensity*

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A/N: To be completely honest with y'all, I'm not super satisfied with this chapter, but I can't pinpoint what's wrong with it. If you can, comment or message me or something so I know, too. Otherwise... this might get edited and reuploaded when I haven't been feeling like crud for over a week.

The medicine was wearing off. Which meant Law had to decide now if he could handle Luffy's earlier request.

He'd used Luffy's request to touch his tattoos and scars as an opportunity to test himself. To see if he could handle Luffy seeing those scars, especially the newer ones. To see if he could handle Luffy's curiosity. And he had, and it hadn't even been as bad as he'd been expecting. But his hesitation about honoring Luffy's other request hadn't gone away. Then Luffy said something that made the decision for him. Seven words that might break him.

"...I think... I might love you, too."

Law leaned his head against the shoulder in front of him with a groan. "As happy as those words make me, you might've chosen the worst possible timing..."

"How so?"

"... The medicine's wearing off, Luffy-ya. And the aftereffects of this one ... well, they're going to make things difficult for me." Things were already starting to get difficult. Things like thinking and talking, but also other things. "If I'm being honest, I don't want you to see this one. But... you said 'next time' and I agreed. So it's up to you. You can go back to your ship, and I'll come to you when, when I'm finished. No judgment. But if you want to stay, you need to understand that this isn't how it normally is."

"How will it be different?"

Law pulled his head away, leaning it backwards instead and looking up at the ceiling. "The medicine holds off the erection, but... when it returns, it returns with a vengeance. I get... bigger... than usual, and it's not exactly easy to make it go away." The first — and last — time he'd used it, it had taken almost two hours to get it to go down. He couldn't be sure if this would be worse or better. "I don't want it to scare you." He didn't mention the other ways it affected him - the heightened sense of smell, the feeling of his nerves going from near-numbness to hypersensitivity so that even his softest clothing felt like fire on his skin.

"It won't scare me."

"And I'll be exhausted afterwards. I'll need to sleep." Gods, he could already feel it building. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears, his pants were getting painfully tight, and his breaths were shorter now. Luffy had to be aware of it, but he didn't move. Which only made it worse because now Law could smell him like his nose was pressed against that skin and Law just wanted to reach out and lick the sweat off the younger man's skin. Sweat shouldn't smell so damn good, dammit.

"Sleep like a nap or like overnight or like a coma?"

"A nap. Long-ish nap. About an hour," Law explained, too shortly, as the arousal pushed him further and further from where he wanted to be. He had to fight the urge to rut against the other, and tendrils of flame seemed to be burning through his skin and clothes in those spots underneath Luffy.

Luffy smiled warmly, not seeming to notice Law's distress. "Then I'll stay and sleep with you. We can go back to the Sunny for dinner afterwards."

"Off. Please." Law hated the way his voice cracked, hated that he wouldn't be able to explain anymore. His body began demanding release, but he needed Luffy further away.

Luffy froze for a second, then nodded and scrambled off his lap.

Law threw himself from the chair to the bed, practically ripping his pants off and underwear down as he went, gasping in relief as the restriction eased against his too-swollen cock. He wrapped his hand around it, tears already leaking from his eyes. "Fuck..."

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