(Luffy) Chapter 77 - Explanations

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In the afternoon on day three of their honeymoon, Luffy flopped into the bed happily as a knock sounded at the door, which made Law sigh.

"It's probably news from our crew...." But he didn't seem inclined to move from his space next to Luffy.

"Probably. I'll go get it," Luffy grudgingly volunteered, standing up.

Law's sharp eyes looked him over. "Not without a closeable shirt and pants you're not."

Luffy looked down proudly at his bare chest, covered in hickeys and bite marks, and his nipples, once again as puffy and pink as Law had promised they'd be. (Turned out, buying the matching nipple clamps had been his greatest idea ever. Law seemed to absolutely adore them, and couldn't even leave his nipples alone after they came off.) "It's not so bad. They're the ones interrupting a honeymoon, they get what they get."

Law sighed again and rolled out of bed to find his own clothes. "Nope. They don't get what I get. That's all for me. I'll handle them."

"So possessive," Luffy teased cheekily, flopping across the bed again. "Then hurry back, okay?"

After dropping a kiss on his head, Law left the room to answer the knock. He came back less than two minutes later, leaning against the doorframe as if he was tired. "It's Robin."

"Is something wrong with the crew?" Luffy asked, sitting up quickly.

"No... Your father's with her, though. Seems his plans changed and he needs to leave sooner than expected. He was hoping to talk to you now...." Law closed the door behind himself now and sat next to Luffy on the bed. "Are you able to do that now? Or do you want me to send him away?"

It didn't take Luffy long to decide on that. "If he stopped long enough to make the effort instead of leaving, then I wanna try too." He stood, reaching for Law's discarded hoodie and his own comfiest shorts.

"Alright. Want Robin and I to stay, or want to face him by yourself?"

"... I want you with me, please. But I don't want to influence Robin's opinion or respect for him. Or make her feel caught in the middle."

Law nodded his understanding, and opened the door once Luffy had finished dressing. They made their way the short distance to the dining room, Luffy's grip on Law's hand the only sign he allowed himself of his growing nervousness.

Dragon sat at the small table, his impassive face almost intimidating as his foot tapped against the floor. Robin was fixing a pot of tea quietly, three cups out on a tray implying she hadn't expected to be invited to the conversation. Luffy nodded gratefully at her as she set the tray down.

"Captain, allow me to properly introduce Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army," she opened.

"It's okay, Robin. We don't really need the formal introductions." Luffy managed to keep his voice from shaking as he and Torao sat down opposite the much larger man.

Robin nodded and left, and a painfully awkward silence fell over the room. Finally, Luffy broke it. "What do you want me to call you? Dad? Father? Dragon?"

"Whatever you want is fine."

Silence fell again after the older man's statement.

It was Law who tried to break it next. "We were honored by your presence at our wedding."

"Thank you for allowing me to come."

Gruffly polite, but still no attempt at conversation. Luffy found himself growing frustrated. He didn't know how to talk to this man! If Dragon (Dad felt too familiar right now) had wanted to talk so badly, why wasn't he saying anything? About to express his opinion, he felt a familiar emotion nudging against his haki. Nervousness. He hadn't noticed before because his own had been so strong, but now that his had turned to frustration, the nervousness of the man across from him was too obvious. The tapping foot, the way Dragon kept taking slow, deep breaths as if to brace himself: Luffy saw it now.

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