(Luffy) Chapter 30 - Attraction*

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A/N: Those who read my ZoSan work know exactly what the star in the title means. For those who haven't: starred titles will contain mature/sexual content (nothing super graphic/crazy in this chapter, but a little moment). When possible, I'll try to also give a warning before that content starts and a notice once it ends so that those who wish to skip that part can do so.

So, um, enjoy!

"While you were eating.... You looked so happy that it looked like you were turned on... and then I started thinking about...um... what it'd feel like if I was the one making you make that face..."

Law's head slammed up into the table he'd crawled under after one of his books, and he let out a loud yelp of pain that made Luffy wince as his boyfriend grabbed his head, swearing.

"...Are you alright?" He held out his hand to help the other up.

"... Luffy-ya, I'm really going to need you to get a filter between your brain and your mouth..." Law ignored the outstretched hand as he got up and sat down on the coffee-stained blanket, red as a tomato and not looking at Luffy.. "I swear, every time I think I'm used to your bluntness, you find a way to surprise me."

Luffy sat down next to him, wanting to kiss the pain away from the other. "You're trying to change the topic. Do you... not want that?"

"I thought my actions during our..." He had to search for the best word. "Fight... made it abundantly clear that I did. Do." He took his hat off and placed it casually in his lap.

"But... you never tried to do anything more than light kisses earlier. Which is fine! It was still..." Luffy had to struggle not to get lost in the memory, "VERY nice. I just thought there'd be... more."

Law huffed out a deep sigh, and finally most of the red started to fade from his face. "I'm trying to cherish you. We should take it slow, since I'm guessing I'm your first relationship... Am I right?" When Luffy nodded, he continued. "I'm trying not to... take advantage of your naivete."

"... I don't want slow. I'm no good at slow."

Law thought for a minute, then a sly, sexy smile crossed his face. "Then how about this: each time we meet, I'll give you a new 'first.' Before we leave this time, I'll teach you how to really kiss." That deep voice somehow became sexier with each word, and Luffy felt goosebumps rising along his arms. "Next time, I'll show you how good I can make you feel with just your top half. After that, I'll give you a blow job that you'll never forget.... And then the fourth time, in about three ish months, that's when we'll go all the way. How does that sound?"

It sounded too damn long and too damn good. "... I can live with that. Probably." He grinned as something clicked in his head. "But I keep telling you, I'm not as naive as you think, Mr. Trying-to-hide-a-boner-with-his-hat." With a quick motion, he grabbed the fluffy hat from Law's lap and held it over his head. Law frantically tried to cover his state with his hands.

"OKAY! Fine. You're not naive. Now give me the hat back," Law demanded, reaching for it, blush returning full force to his handsome face.

Luffy used his shortness to duck under Law's reaching arm and gave him a peck on the lips, as gently as he could. He let Law take the hat back. "You don't have to be embarrassed about it. Not around me. I like that you react to me. And I was in a similar state during dinner. Why do you think I was so quick to get away from Sanji?"

"... you were?"

"Mmhmm." He put his arms around Law. "Now, for the first time, I've been offered lessons that I'm actually excited for. So start teaching."

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