(Luffy) Chapter 65 - Give*

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Law's powers were... weird. Luffy'd tried to use Haki to observe Law earlier when he'd first switched them, but he still wasn't sure he understood. He'd managed to get the Room up, but to switch them back was harder than he'd thought. And Law's explanations certainly weren't helping.

"You have to find the edge of their essence and kind of... pull gently outward towards the body you want it in," Law explained for about the third time.

"I still don't know what that means? This is getting stupid, Torao! Let's just have fun with it until it wears off!"

"I don't want to wait three days to kiss you properly... Besides, it's not like you to give up on something."

Luffy glared a little at the man in his own body as he let the third successful Room fade. "But your power doesn't make sense!"

Law sighed and sat back down on the couch. They'd taken refuge in the crow's nest for the moment while Law tried to teach him how to switch them back. "It does make sense, at least to me. If I can get you close enough to do it once, I think it'll make sense to you, too, but it's... tricky at first."

"Ok, so how did you do it the first time, when you first figured out that you could?"

Law paused, thinking. Always with the thinking. "Accident, mostly. Let's see.... I was fifteen and mad at Shachi, I don't even remember what about. But I sat down to start trying to figure out my powers with the intention of ignoring him. But he kept going on about stupid stuff, wouldn't shut up. And in my head, with the Room up, I imagined pinching his head to get him to shut up. Popping it like a pimple, gross as that sounds. And he did shut up, for a minute, and when I lost my concentration, he got noisy again, saying he was pulled out of his body and shaken. I didn't realize at first that I'd grabbed his soul, though I don't think I completely separated it that first time."

"Okay, let me try it like that, then!" Luffy grinned and shut his eyes again. "Room!" The bubble appeared, wobbling for a minute before it settled around them. He summoned up every bit of anger he could. Very little of it was aimed at Law, so he had to think about people like Kaido and Big Mom and Doflamingo while keeping Law in the corner of the awareness that the Room granted him. And when he felt he was angry enough, he imagined reaching out with his mind and grabbing Law's hand and pulling.

"OW!" Luffy heard his own voice yelp, and his focus broke. The Room wobbled again, but didn't go completely down.

"Are you okay? What'd I do?"

"Well... you did something..." Law explained, wincing and rubbing his hand up his arm like it had physically hurt. "But it's going to need to be gentler. It's more like... pulling in a fish than... I don't know, slingshotting someone somewhere. Souls want to stay where they are, so they're going to fight you, and sometimes you have to hold it without reeling so that it doesn't panic and pull back harder. I'm not sure what kind of damage could be done ripping like that, but it's probably not good. You have to... coerce it into moving."

"Reeling in a fish.... Ok. I think I kinda get it now. You okay for me to try again, or need a minute to recover?"

"Go. It's fine."

Luffy didn't focus on anger this time. He focused instead on a different emotion of power: his love for the man in front of him. And then he mentally reached for Law's hand again, giving a slight tug as if to pull him towards him, but Law's 'soul' or 'essence' or whatever didn't move. He slid his mental hand up to the back of Law's spiritual head, pulling softly in and down to connect their lips, and heard a slight gasp in the real world. But he didn't let it distract him as he continued to coax Law's soul towards himself. And soon enough, he could feel Law's soul pulling out of the rubber body, and he gently pushed it past himself, pulling himself out of the taller tattooed one as he did.

Can I Steal Your Heart? - A LawLu fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora