(Luffy) Chapter 54 - Blind

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By the time they cleaned themselves up enough to be around other people, most of the civilians and other pirates in the flotilla had left. The Hearts had moved the Tang so that it was right next to the still-anchored Sunny, which made it easy for Luffy and Law to get on deck.

Clean up from the wedding was in full swing. Well, kinda. Robin stood on the prow, her eyes closed and her normal hands crossed. Probably a hundred other hands had sprouted from various parts of the ship, making short work of the lanterns and other decorations. But Usopp and Chopper were sword-fighting with their brooms instead of sweeping (and Luffy really wanted to join them, but Law's hand tightened around his, keeping him close). Zoro and Sanji were nowhere to be seen, which wasn't terribly surprising. A few lingering guests, mostly Law's crew, had flopped under the shade of the tangerine trees, probably to sleep off a hangover.

"Hey, Luffy." Usopp called with a cheerful wave. His momentary distraction cost him though, as Chopper bopped him hard on the leg. "OW! No fair, I wasn't ready!"

"ALL'S FAIR IN WAR!" Chopper cried gleefully, going for another strike. Before he could hit Usopp again, an alarm sounded, just barely loud enough to be heard above the waves. Enemy ship spotted.

Luffy let go of Law's hand after one more squeeze, and found the ship on the horizon. Marines. Only two ships, but that didn't mean they should be underestimated.

Robin's extra hands disappeared and her eyes opened. Nami stepped out from the galley, and Luffy realized she must've been preparing lunch. Chopper and Usopp started panicking, until about a minute later, when Sanji and Zoro came out from below deck — Zoro without a shirt and Sanji still working on his buttons. Similar activity happened on the deck of the Tang, with most of the crew coming out to see the threat.

"I don't suppose you're going to order your crew to run from this one?" Law asked quietly.

"Shishishi, of course not!"

Law sighed, then shouted an order across the short distance to the Tang. "We're fighting! Sink 'em or make 'em run!"

And soon the sea around them burst into noise. Cannons and guns fired steadily, making both pirate ships rock and the water splash. Everyone was shouting, including Luffy as he launched himself towards one of the ships. With a big grin, he set one of the sails on fire with his Red Hawk, then began pummeling some of the Marines that approached him.

But they all became unimportant when Luffy heard a bang and, when he looked over, saw Law's fluffy hat disappear below the Sunny's edge. Chopper yelled for someone to cover him and shrunk below what Luffy could see, too, presumably to his normal form.

For once in his life, Luffy found himself not wanting to finish the fight. He wanted to throw himself back to his ship, to Law's side. But the Marines kept coming for him, so he made himself fight, made himself keep punching and kicking and spinning. But only part of his attention was on the fight. His eyes kept drifting to his ship and his downed boyfriend. To his relief, it was only a minute or so before Law was standing again, pushing Penguin and Chopper off. And the Marines were starting to leave, the order to retreat sounding all up and down the ship Luffy was on.

With a grin that he didn't quite feel and a jaunty wave, he slingshotted himself back to his ship. But since he was distracted, his aim wasn't what it usually was, and he rammed hard into the mast. Dizziness swirled his vision until he couldn't focus, and he laid where he had fallen until it stopped.

He couldn't have been out of it for very long — his gut said no more than a minute or two — but when Luffy was able to focus again, he saw Zoro grabbing a waterlogged Penguin's hand to help him and a barely-conscious Law back on deck. They settled the tall man against a wall in the shade.

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