(Law) Chapter 29 - Boyfriend

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Law wanted nothing more than to stay here kissing Luffy. Well, maybe something more, but he would make those wants wait. Still, he needed to go reassure his crew. Needed to make Luffy go down and talk to his, too. Show them that they were both going to be alright, that they'd made up.

"We probably ought to go down," he murmured, finally making himself pull away from those peach-pink lips.

Big brown eyes locked onto his own. "Do we have to?"

"Depends. Do you want Nico-ya and Zoro-ya to kill your new boyfriend? If we don't go down soon, they might come up here swinging first and asking questions later." He let out a quiet breath. He'd done it. He'd used the word boyfriend without stuttering over it.

"Nah," Luffy laughed, barely noticing the word Law was so proud of getting out. "Robin already knows. See?" He pointed to a wall behind Law's head, and Law grimaced as a bright blue eye disappeared.

Law tried not to say how much worse that may be. "Well, I guess there goes my hope of staying out of the betting pools, huh..."

"Probably. Nami'll bet on just about anything."

"Regardless, things are still tense down there. Can't you feel it? They've been worried about us this whole time. Both crews."

He was almost tempted to shut down his haki like Luffy did, so tense was the atmosphere. He'd told his crew before coming over that everything would be fine, that even if Luffy did hate him and not want to see him, he probably wouldn't attack. That wasn't Luffy's style. Luffy wasn't likely to attack someone who'd hurt him, at least not with much ferocity. It was when you hurt someone else that you were in danger from the rubber-man, and Law was pretty sure he hadn't done that. But still, his crew might as well have been screaming at him from their places on the Tang.

Luffy seemed to listen for a minute. "I guess you're right. Um, are you going to head off again immediately? Or stay for a bit?"

"We'll stay for two days... Give this a good start." He was so damn tempted to stay forever. He'd meant what he said earlier, that it was dangerous for them to stay together permanently. Luffy's crew each being bountied was bad enough news for Luffy. To add the bounties of Law and his crew in the same place would make the target on them even bigger.

He knew if he tried to argue that to the man beside him, he'd lose. He'd probably lose most arguments he'd have with the stubborn, cheeky, adorable younger man. So he wouldn't explain. Not yet. He'd keep the reasoning vague for now.

"I'll take what I can get. But you're right. For now, let's go tell our crews they don't have to worry." Luffy's stomach grumbled loudly as he bounced from the couch. "And maybe see if Sanji'll make us some food."

Law smirked as he stood to retrieve the hat he'd dropped earlier, glad Luffy was smiling and hungry again. He stepped towards the door, but was stopped by a hand to his elbow.

"One more," Luffy said sweetly, already stretching to better match Law's height.

Law obliged, meeting his lips gently again as he slid an arm around the other. "One of many, so long as you want it," he promised quietly as they separated again. "Now, go on. I'll be down in a second."

With a characteristic happy whoop, Luffy swung himself out the door and down to the deck.

So. Damn. Cute. And now, his boyfriend. He wanted to lock this into his memory, make sure he never forgot a second of it.

He schooled his expression to make sure he wasn't smiling like a giddy schoolgirl and left the crow's nest by the rope ladder. Halfway down, he let himself free fall to the deck, where he almost landed on a waiting Robin.

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