(Law) Chapter 39 - Beast

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2023 be better than the last couple of years!

*Some dirty talk, but nothing actually happens, so I'm not officially marking this chapter as Mature content, but this is your warning that it kinda is... ish.*

Law was about three minutes away from letting Luffy ruin another well-crafted plan, if he wasn't careful. 'Take it slow. Find all his spots, bit by bit. Make him want it. Make it memorable,' he recited to himself. A simple plan, but an important one.

He wasn't so naive as to expect this relationship to last forever, regardless of what he wished for. He'd be there for as long as Luffy wanted him, but someday, assuming they both lived long enough, Luffy would probably grow tired of it. Would feel trapped by it. Once that happened, it'd all be over.

And Law told himself he would be okay with that, when the time came, as long as Luffy could look back on their time together with any fondness. As long as Luffy never forgot him. So he'd make it memorable, make it last as long as he could, even if he would one day be just a story told around a campfire. A fond memory for Luffy to look back on.

But Luffy wanted to see him pleasure himself, and as much as Law wanted to give Luffy anything the younger man wanted...

Well, no one had ever asked Law for that.

Most of his sexual partners had been... relatively unconcerned about his pleasure. Only what pleasure he could provide them. But of course Luffy was different. Luffy didn't know how to be anything but different, in anything he did. He did everything his own way, which, Law was beginning to realize, was exactly why Luffy interfered with his best-laid plans.

He wasn't even sure he was comfortable being naked around Luffy yet. He could leave his shirt open, but hadn't taken it off around him or anyone else. Not since Dressrosa. Not since the scars that Doffy had left on him that still ached sometimes.

Would delaying Luffy's request give him time to get comfortable with it? Or just make it harder to do so?

He shook off the thought. Luffy was waiting for him to come back. Towel and clean clothes, he reminded himself. As he wet a small towel with warm water, he had a brilliant thought... No one said the clothes had to fit Luffy properly, right? He quickly filled a large bowl with equally warm water, then re-entered his room, finding Luffy standing and removing his pants. Law handed him the towel and turned to his wardrobe.

"I don't have anything that's directly your size, so it might be a little big." Law had to actively try not to smirk as he pulled out what Bepo jokingly called his 'fat pants' - loose and stretchy and very comfortable, great for lounging around in on the rare lazy day. Grabbing those and a hoodie, he handed them to his very naked petite boyfriend.

Don't stare! He tried to tell himself. But gods, did he want to. Even though he directed his gaze respectfully to the floor, his eyes kept trying to drift up those thin, muscled legs.

"... You can look, y'know. I don't mind."

Of course he didn't. Luffy was almost always perfectly comfortable in his own skin, never seeming to be embarrassed, even when naked. Law tried to distract himself by picking up Luffy's discarded outfit and shoving it into the bowl of hot water. "If I look, I'll want to touch."

"I don't mind that, either." There was a smile in that damn voice that made Law get a little weak in the knees.

"...Just... get dressed."

"Shishishi. So shy," Luffy teased as he pulled on Law's hoodie. "We're dating, remember?"

"Doesn't mean I should feed the beast."

Fully dressed now, Luffy approached him, getting right in his line of sight. "And what will it take for you to finally free that beast?"

He looked as cute as Law had expected, with Law's clothes draped comfortably over his small frame. He was built stockier than Law, although not by much. The pants almost fit, except that they were a little long. The hoodie wasn't quite as big around as it looked on Law, either, but it hung down to Luffy's thighs. And damn, did Luffy look good with Law's jolly roger on him.

Law placed a hand gently on that sweet face, feeling the faint peach-fuzz against his palm as he ran his thumb along the scar under Luffy's eye. "Absolute confidence that it will never hurt you."

"I don't think you can," Luffy said thoughtfully. "I mean, strength-wise... maybe? But you'd have to put some effort into it, and I don't think that heart of yours would let you."

"If you knew the thoughts, the dreams I have about you, you'd be properly scared of me."

And Luffy grinned up at him, too close and too bright. "Try me."

Law looked at him for a long moment, debating the merits of accepting that challenge. Then he wrapped his arms around the younger, lowering his head until he was speaking directly into that sensitive ear. "I dream about pushing you down, regardless of if you're ready for it or not. Making use of that incredible stamina you have to make you come, over and over and over, until you're too weak to move and crying, covered in your own semen. I think about chaining you to my bed, blindfolded, while I leave marks all over you." Law grabbed that small ass, rubbing and squeezing slightly. "I dream about finding all the ways you can bend and stretch. About making you scream my name so many damn times you lose that sweet voice of yours for several days. Taking you until you can barely move without thinking of me and what I did to you." He made himself stop before he went into some of the even worse things. A shudder raced through Luffy's small frame and Law let go, backing off a step. "See? You don't want that beast unchained."

But then Law looked closer at Luffy's blushing face. There was a little bit of trepidation there, but also... arousal. Desire. Law realized with a start that Luffy wanted that.... All of it or just some, Law couldn't say, not yet, and he wouldn't push it further right now, but... Luffy wasn't opposed to it. Wasn't the least bit scared of him, even hearing that.

"We can build up to it," Luffy got out, stepping back close and pulling Law's arms back around his own waist. "None of that sounded... bad. I'm not ready for it yet, but... someday?"

"Gods, you're so bad for me, Luffy." Law let the darkness fade from his voice, nuzzling into that soft hair. "You really shouldn't encourage that side of me."

"You don't scare me... Law." The intentionality with which Luffy said his name sent pleasant tingles down his spine.

"I should."

"No. Because there's also the side of you that is being so careful. Almost too careful. And as long as that side also exists," Luffy leaned up and kissed him sweetly. Then he murmured the rest of the sentence against Law's lips, "I know you won't hurt me."

Law tightened his grip on Luffy, not caring that the action hiked up that too-big hoodie and almost lifted the smaller male off the floor. The word Luffy didn't like echoed through his mind softly, and he was once again glad the suppressant was still in effect.


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