(Law) Chapter 37 - Morning

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"I'm definitely going to need a copy of that one, at least for blackmail purposes," a female voice whispered as Law's consciousness faded back into awareness.

"Shh, don't wake them!" That whisper was too familiar... Penguin. But Law was too warm and too comfy to care.

"I've never seen Luffy stay so still... Do you think he was like this all night?" Another whispering voice. Young. Male. One he should know. But he was more concerned with one word of that sentence. Luffy. He'd fallen asleep next to Luffy. Law managed to open one eye just enough to see a head of raven hair nestled against his chest, and heard the soft snores. He closed his eye again in contentment.

"They look pretty comfy..."

"We are, so can you stop whispering about us, please?" He croaked out as quietly as he could with sleepy morning voice. "He's tired. Don't wake him." Or me. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so hard. It felt good and he could sink back into it if they'd let him.

"Not even for breakfast, Torao?" That was... the blond guy. Luffy's cook. Sanji, that was his name.

Law's middle finger went up without moving the rest of his body, his only answer to that.

There was a soft snicker. "Aw, he doesn't wanna leave his boyfriend~!"

Then a thump, and Penguin was saying, "Shhhh. You wanna get head-swapped again, moron? Let him sleep."

Luffy shifted in his arms a little, then muttered, "Breakfast?"

"Noooo," Law answered, squeezing him a little. "Sleep."

"Nope. Definitely heard the word breakfast."

Law could hear a smile in that sweet voice, and he reluctantly opened his eyes, causing the last few gathered onlookers to flee at various speeds. Bright brown eyes peeked up at him through dark hair now.

"Morning!" Luffy greeted him, trying to sit up. Damn. He was so warm and bright and beautiful.

"Stay. Sleep," Law repeated, closing his eyes again, his arms falling to Luffy's waist as Luffy made the desired shift in positions. He may have nuzzled into his hip, but he'd never admit it.

"You're not a morning person, huh?" Luffy asked cheerfully. On anyone else, Law would've said that was too cheerful.

"Not after sleeping so well for once," Law grumbled.

"Some delicious breakfast ought to help you wake up." Luffy threw the cover off them. "If you'll let me go, I'll tell Sanji to start some coffee, too."

Law opened one eye again, then crooked a finger at Luffy, indicating he should come closer. When he did, Law craned his neck up to kiss him. "That's how you wake your boyfriend up, Luffy-ya."

Luffy let out that adorable laugh, then came back in for another kiss. "And now you've had two, so come on. Let's go get some food. I'm starving."

"You're always starving." But Law sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "They were staring at us. And whispering."

"Your crew or mine?" Luffy asked, pulling him to his feet.

"Both, I think. And I think pictures were taken?"

That beautiful laugh sounded beside him. "I wonder how many bets Nami has on us now."

"Fourteen, some with REALLY good odds," Nami declared from behind them as they opened the door to the bustling galley. "But don't worry, the pictures turned out cute."

"Delete them," Law ordered, still more sleepily than he'd like.

Nami grinned as Luffy navigated them to some empty spots. "You suuuuuure~? They'll make a great keepsake~. I'll sell them to you for ten thousand each...."

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