(Luffy) Chapter 12 - Teasing

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Luffy set the three barrels of cola he'd been carrying down heavily as soon as he and Franky docked the Mini-Merry. "Do we really need this much cola?" He asked the cyborg. It was their eighth trip in from shore and they still had one more to go. The storage room was already packed pretty tightly with the barrels.

"I toldja, Luf, some for the Mini-Merry, some for General Franky, some for me, and three barrels for each coup-de-burst. On average, we use that two to three times a month, so if we have nine barrels set aside just for that, we should be good for at least two weeks, with any luck." Franky grinned tiredly at him from around several of his own barrels. "Or would you rather not see General Franky for a while?"

"Don't use the awesome robot against me, Franky! That's mean!"

"That's what I thought." Franky grinned knowingly at him. "Now c'mon, we gotta go back and get the next load."

"How about I help with that, instead?" Robin asked from the stairs. "Luffy, Torao-kun's here already. He's up in the aquarium."

"Torao!" Luffy leapt out of the boat, stopping only briefly on the stairs to add, "You guys have fun!"

He faintly heard chuckling behind him, but he brushed it off as he charged towards the aquarium happily. Sure enough, the tall raven-haired man was chatting comfortably with Nami, Usopp, and Chopper in the cool atmosphere of the aquarium. "Torao~!" Luffy called, the only warning before he tackled the older man.

Law grunted, but half-caught him anyways. "Uh, hi, Mugiwara-ya."

"Missed ya!" Luffy wrapped his arms around his friend, looking up at him with a delighted grin. "And you're early!"

"Luffy, you should be more careful. What if your tackle made him hit his head?" Nami scolded lightly.

"It's fine, Nami-ya. I expected a greeting like this from him," Law said, careful not to shake the younger captain off, though he didn't quite return the hug, either. He wasn't wearing his signature smirk, but nor did he look upset or angry.

Luffy stuck his tongue out at his navigator, then grinned. "Yeah, Torao knows to brace himself, silly, 'cause he's my friend!" Then he turned back to Law. "I'm so happy to see you! How've you been? Is everyone here? Encounter any cool monsters?"

Law sighed, but it was affectionate, rather than annoyed. "Ally, Mugiwara-ya. And I'm fine, though I think I should be more worried about you. Yes, Bepo's here, too — I know he's the main one you care about — and no, we didn't encounter any monsters, cool or otherwise."

Usopp and Nami began laughing as Luffy's face went a little red at being called out. "... not true, I like the rest of your crew, too," he pouted.

Law gave a tiny smirk, wiggling an arm free from the rubbery embrace to pat the younger male's head. It felt somehow different than when Zoro had given that same gesture of affection the other day. Warmer, somehow, though Luffy didn't think Law felt feverish. "But Bepo is typically the first one you ask me about. Sorry, but you don't get to steal my bear."

"But he's so fluffy! He's fluffier than Chopper!"

Chopper gave Luffy his biggest, saddest eyes, but a hint of mischief played around his mouth. "Are you going to replace me, Luffy?!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Chopper, no one could replace you~!" Nami comforted, scooping the reindeer into her arms to nuzzle him. "Besides, the bear is Torao's navigator, so if Luffy was trying to replace anyone, I should be the one concerned. But neither of us have reason to be concerned, right, Lu.ffy~?" She glared over Chopper's head, spitting out the syllables in his name dangerously.

"Of course not!" Luffy laughed. "I wouldn't be replacing anyone! Just... adding. Another navigator and another fluffy crew member!" Usopp slid from his seat and left the room, muttering about going to help Franky.

"You're still not stealing my bear, Mugiwara-ya!" Law's protective expression just made Luffy laugh harder and lean his head against the taller man's shoulder.

"Then your entire crew should join ours! We'd all go to Raftel together after we defeat Kaido. Friends instead of rivals!"

Law muttered, "... don't push your luck." His hand finally dropped from Luffy's head and he looked... uncomfortable.

Luffy drew back, finally letting go of the long hug in favor of sitting next to Law. Truthfully, he still wanted to hug longer. Torao was warm and smelled good. And he knew Torao would let him because he'd promised, but... it wasn't as much fun if Torao didn't hug back. He tried not to let the others in the room that the response had stung. "Shishishi, that wasn't a 'no'! Besides, luck is made for pushing!"

"No, Luffy-ya." Law spat frustratedly. "We won't be joining you permanently.You aren't the only one who enjoys the position of captain you know. Or that has plans for the One Piece."

Chopper and Nami fell silent. Luffy retreated from the older man completely, his grin now completely forced as he stood up several feet away. "Geez, I was only teasing, Torao. I know you have no intention of joining us. Ooh, I wonder if Sanji's got food ready yet! I'm starving!"

He bounced out of the room without another word, trying to hide the hurt he felt at Law's blatant rejection. Joining forces with the Hearts on a permanent basis really had been a joke... kinda. Until it wasn't. It would really be fun, to uncover Raftel together. But of course, it didn't fit Law's plan. Luffy couldn't help but wonder how Law had ever thought an alliance with the Strawhats would fit with Law's Grand Plan. And what the plan was.

The young captain didn't make his way to the kitchen like he'd implied. He let himself walk right past it onto the deck. The long banquet tables were out, but no food was on them yet, so Sanji was probably still cooking. Usopp was talking to Bepo. Luffy tackled them both, forcing a grin he didn't quite feel, and managed to get them to join him in one of the silly dances he did, desperate for a distraction. Chopper joined in just a few seconds later.

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