(Law) Chapter 78 - Peace*

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"You've changed, you know," Luffy began conversationally one morning, almost a year later.

Despite his husband's light tone and the fingers that drifted lovingly along his tattoos, Law felt himself freeze. He'd heard those words before, in past relationships. At the end, always at the end. But they'd been going strong for over three years! Luffy had married him! This had to be different, right? Luffy wasn't going to give up on him, surely?

"You've put on a little bit of weight."

Fuck. He had. Not a lot, only about eight pounds or so, but he had. With Luffy around, he'd been coerced into eating more consistently, and maybe a little more heavily. He'd need to start working out again, keep himself in shape. But he could do that! He opened his mouth to protest, to tell Luffy he'd lose it, but Luffy kept going, his fingers trailing up to Law's face.

"Your dark circles are almost gone."

Wasn't that a good thing? He was sleeping better with Luffy next to him, that was all. But if Luffy had liked it, maybe... maybe he could start wearing makeup to imitate the effect? He'd do whatever it took to keep Luffy happy.

"You laugh and smile more now."

Luffy had once liked his laugh. He'd said it was nice, said that Law should laugh more. Did he not like it anymore?

Luffy finally paused. "Wait, why are you so tense, Torao?"

Law forced himself to ask the question circling in his mind, even if he was afraid of the answer. "... Do you not like the changes?"

Relief spread through him as Luffy laughed. "Of course I do! I keep telling you, I love everything about my Torao!"

"Historically, when someone has started listing the ways I've changed, it's a bad sign," he tried to explain.

"No! These are good things!" Luffy kissed him and he let himself melt into it. Gods, Luffy had gotten so good at kissing. Law was pretty sure he was the luckiest man alive to get those kisses. Then Luffy broke the kiss to mutter against his lips, "You're happier and healthier and I just wanted to tell you that I noticed and I like it!"

Law wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him in tightly. "It's all your fault, y'know. You make me laugh, you make sure I'm eating and sleeping properly. You're good for me, you know that? And I hope I'm good for you, too."

"You are, my pretty love. You make me better, too. We balance each other out. Remember telling me that? Right after Zoro's surgery? We've come so far since then. And I love you so damn much."

"You really don't mind? Even the weight gain?"

"Fuck no. You're so sexy."

Swearing. Was Luffy turned on right now? A glance downward told Law he was, and suddenly everything felt right.

*Mature content starts*

"... show me?" He asked, bending one knee and spreading his legs apart a little. "Show me how sexy you think I am?" Arching his back slightly, he lifted his chin for more obvious effect.

Luffy gulped, then licked his lips a little. "Law, a-are you asking what I think you are?"

"Yes... if you'll go slow and let me stay facing you, I think I'm ready. I want you, my Luffy."

"Okay. Okay, if you're sure." Luffy leaned over and pressed a soft, searching kiss to Law's lips. "I'll make this good, I promise. Can you trust me?"

"With everything I am." And it was true. It may not have fully stopped the insecurities, but Law did trust Luffy wholeheartedly. Luffy had proven himself to be trustworthy over and over and over, even in the ways Law had once hesitated to trust him, like keeping secrets.

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