(Law) Chapter 66 - Stress

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A/N: Question for y'all at the bottom.

The wedding was only two months away now, and Law was beginning to feel the pressure. The latest influx of RSVPs wasn't helping with that. The tall pile sat on his desk next to the list he'd convinced Luffy to help make months ago (and all the other work he needed to get to), and he was checking off the names, adding the plus-however-many, and sighing almost continuously. The one that made him realize he needed a break, though, was the one with the child-like, barely legible chicken scratch that had far too many hearts and exclamation points.

He took it with him and went to go find Luffy, who was, unsurprisingly, playing on the deck of the Sunny with Usopp. Upon spotting him, though, Luffy charged over for a hug. "Morning, Torao!"

"Morning." Law pulled out the RSVP card to show the younger. "Are you sure you want this craziness at the wedding? We could still uninvite him..."

"BARTO! Yay! And don't be rude, Torao, he helped us so much, remember?"

Law snorted. "He helped you. He barely tolerated me and that only because you and I were allies. He's probably going to try to kill me in my sleep for daring to marry his precious 'Luffy-senpai'."

"Shishishi, then it's a good thing you sleep next to me these days, right?" Luffy reached up to kiss him, and Law noticed that it was becoming less of a reach for the younger man.

Still, he smirked at his fiance. "Then you better protect me well!"

Luffy's grin turned dangerous, and he reached the extra inch to whisper in Law's ear, "I'll just sleep naked every night, and he'd pass out from a nosebleed before he could do anything to you."


Law's loud declaration sent Luffy into fits of laughter as Law turned bright red.

"We'll... we'll just lock the door well," Law finished lamely. He definitely didn't want to share the sight of a naked, sleepy Luffy with anyone, especially not that flashy, green-haired creep. And Luffy knew it, too.

"Who else has said they're coming?" Luffy asked once he stopped laughing.

"Cavendish; an entourage of about twelve from your hometown; Sai and... Baby5...." That was the one Law was having the most trouble with. He didn't exactly have the fondest memories of the emotional girl, but he understood that she was now married to one of Luffy's allies, however strange that would be. "Princesses Vivi, Shirahoshi, and Viola, each with a small entourage... although Shirahoshi included a note that she'll be glad to stay outside the venue if it's not made to 'accommodate someone her size'."

"Have you decided yet about Dragon and Ivankov, Luffy?" Sabo's voice came from behind Law, making him jump. The blond could be devilishly sneaky, seemingly without trying, and was far too good at sneaking up on him for Law's liking.

Luffy got that slightly anxious look on his face for just a second, but it disappeared when Law grabbed his hand reassuringly. "Yes. They may come, but... I'm going to treat Dad as Iva-chan's 'plus-one'. I'll be nice, but... well, he's a stranger to me and I'm going to treat him as such. I won't even say he's my father until after we come back from our honeymoon, after which we can talk for real if he wants."

Law squeezed his hand lightly, proud of the decision Luffy had come to on that. Allow a relationship if Dragon wanted it, but enforce boundaries enough not to ruin their wedding day for Luffy. And Luffy had come to it on his own, aside from the one conversation they'd had about it before. He was so damn proud of how Luffy had grown... Dragon had damn well better be, too, or Law was going to have strong words for his father-in-law-to-be.

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