(Luffy) Chapter 28 - Repairing

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Luffy turned off the water with a sigh. He may not have particularly enjoyed showers, but this time he had to admit that Robin had been right — he did feel a little more like himself. He even felt a little bit like trying to eat. Maybe I should go bug Sanji for some food. 

He passed the mirror, and for the first time in ages actually stopped to take in his appearance. Even wet, his hair stuck up a little — he'd long since given up any effort to make it lay flat. He looked thinner, which didn't really surprise him since he'd had so little appetite lately. But most surprising was the dark circles that were forming under the brown eyes in the mirror. They made his eyes look just a little like... Law's. 

I miss him. 

He still didn't understand what had gone wrong, not really. He really thought Law would be happy to hear that he wanted to try dating and everything it entailed. But Law had somehow interpreted it as asking for a 'pity-fuck'. Robin had tried to explain the concept, and Luffy supposed he more or less understood it, but he didn't understand the why of it. Why would you want to have sex with someone you pitied? Why would you pity someone for their feelings?

Makino had made it clear that sex was supposed to be between lovers. She'd mentioned that some people didn't do it that way, but she, like Luffy, didn't seem to really understand that. And some of what had prompted Luffy to offer that to Law was curiosity, but it wasn't a curiosity he'd ever felt towards anyone else.

Law was special.

Which meant it had especially hurt to realize that Law still didn't really trust him.

He shook his head firmly, getting a small amount of amusement at the way the scattering droplets distorted fractions of his mirrored appearance. Just enough reason to put a small smile on his face. He threw on his clothes and began making his way to the kitchen, when Usopp's shout came from the deck. 

"Ship ahoy!"

Curious, Luffy passed the galley and made his way to the deck. Usopp had called it instead of ringing the alarm system Franky had rigged, which meant it wasn't a Marine ship or a known enemy. He could barely see it, it was so far away. Or else it was small, more a boat than a ship.

He found himself climbing to his usual spot on Sunny's head and opening his haki. He didn't need to, though. As the ship came closer, it became apparent that it wasn't actually that it was small or far away. It was just that it was only the top portion of a decent-sized submerged ship that was now surfacing. And there was a general sense of... worry and unease coming from the crew of it. Luffy's heart froze.

Law was coming to end the alliance, and the rest of them were worried that it'd start a fight. That had to be it.

I'm not ready to let go yet.... But he'd have to. If Law wanted to not see him again, Luffy would try to respect that. But... no harm in trying to keep that from happening, right? He put on his best attempt at a smile as the huge dial that sealed the door turned and a skinny dark-haired man walked out onto the deck of the other ship. That tattooed frame was skinnier than he'd been before, and the dark circles under his eyes were so deep it almost looked like Law had used dark makeup underneath his eyes.

Luffy shut his haki down to bare minimum levels, scared for once of what it might show him, but ready in case a fight did break out. He watched as Law jumped across to the deck of the Sunny, making a beeline for him. From the corner of his eye, Luffy saw Robin nod firmly and go back to her book, saw Sanji peek out of the kitchen warily.

Luffy met him partway. "Hey, Torao!" Cheerful. Smiling. He could do this. "Surprised you're back so soon. Everything okay?"

Law just looked at him, a strange wince crossing his face briefly. "Is there somewhere we can talk in private?"

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