(Law) Chapter 76 - Honeymoon*

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A/N: Sorry this took so long. More explanation in post-chapter author's note ;) . Obviously, mature content ahead.

"Do you want to have sex tonight, or are you too worn out from the wedding and wanna wait until tomorrow?" Luffy asked quietly as Law navigated the Mini-Tang to the island they'd be honeymooning on.

Law gave him a smile. "I don't know. How crazy are your little plans gonna make me?" Luffy had been teasing him for almost two weeks now, and while sex sounded good (because sex with Luffy always sounded good), he was pretty drained. A round of soft lovemaking he could definitely do. Marathon sex with outfits and toys and many many orgasms? He might need a few hours of sleep before that.

"If I did it right, absolutely feral," Luffy declared, a proud grin on his face.

"Then is it okay to hold off on the bigger plans until tomorrow?"

Luffy nodded. "Yeah. Sanji told me that might happen. He said he didn't even manage to get undressed after their wedding, he was so tired."

"I'm not quite at that level," Law reassured.

And there was that grin he loved so much. "Then how about tonight I just warm your cock for a while while we mostly cuddle and kiss, and then tomorrow we start all the fun I've been planning?"

Law groaned just a little at the enticing description. "You couldn't have waited twenty more minutes to phrase it like that? I managed to get all through the wedding without a boner. I was really hoping to continue that until we actually got inside the cabin..."

"Shishishi. Nope. Besides, it's not like anyone else should be on the island! Nami bought the whole thing for us, and they checked it pretty thoroughly for locals before letting Franky build the cabin! So if I wanted to seduce you on the beach, I totally could!"

Nami had spent a pretty penny to buy an island. She claimed that it was only fair, since she'd won most of the money off bets on their relationship as well as Zoro and Sanji's. The plan was to use it as a base of sorts for whenever they were near this part of the world — after Law and Luffy got to have a private honeymoon there. It wasn't huge, which was probably why there were no local humans, but it was temperate, with a couple water sources and decent vegetation that supported some moderate animal life.

"And if I wanted to make you scream for me, I could," Law snarked back in kind, making a faint blush cross Luffy's cheeks.

The tiny submarine beeped to indicate that they were approaching the island and further flirting with his new husband was put on hold. But needless to say, they were docked and to the cabin very quickly, and the night that followed was both relaxing and intimate as Luffy made good on his words.

When Law opened his eyes the next morning, Luffy was already gone, so he rolled from the bed to go find him. He found him in the cabin's decently-supplied kitchenette, making a huge pan of scrambled eggs. He stopped when he saw Law enter.

"Morning, my Torao!" Luffy grinned as he kissed him cheerfully.

"So you hated last night so much that you've decided to poison me the day after our wedding?" Law teased, removing the already overdone eggs from heat quickly before they were burned to oblivion.

Luffy, predictably, pouted. "No! I was just trying to make us some breakfast. Sanji's been working with me on my cooking, just in case. And eggs should be easy!"

Taking a tiny forkful, Law considered. "It's a little dry, but salvageable. Get that cheese we brought out, we'll grate it over it."

Once the cheese was added and the eggs divided onto plates, they sat at the tiny table, blinking at the morning sun that streamed in through the window. Law ate at his usual pace, but Luffy began scarfing it down like he was dying.

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