(Luffy) Chapter 75 - Reception

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As they stood greeting guests, Luffy found himself only capable of one thought: Married. He and Law were finally married! He had a husband now, a future Pirate King Consort to stand forever by his side.

His train of thought only changed when the line temporarily abated and Law offered to go get them some punch... and a particular guest made her way to Luffy while he stood alone.

"... You know, I came intending to object and try to steal you away," Hancock announced without so much as a greeting. Her golden dress left little to the imagination, between how tightly it clung to her and how deep-cut the neckline was. Not that Luffy cared. He'd seen her naked before, and it wasn't nearly so nice as seeing Law naked.

Luffy bit his lip, for once in his life not sure what to say. Law had emphasized tact for this situation, but he sucked royally at tact. Thankfully Hancock filled in the brief silence.

"I thought if I dressed in my best and stood up during the ceremony, you'd see me and drop Trafalgar like a stone and run off with me. I even convinced myself I'd be saving you, pulling you away from someone dangerous, who'd forced you to write that letter..." Her face looked a little sad, even as her voice stayed steadily neutral. "But then you stepped forward and I saw the way he looked at you. More importantly, I saw the way you looked at him.... And I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore." There was another long pause. "I never had a chance, did I?"

"... I'm sorry," Luffy ventured quietly.

"Don't be. Don't be sorry. Be happy, okay, Luffy? That's what I want for you. To be happy, always." There were tears in her eyes, but she said it with a smile. Then she turned her attention to just over Luffy's shoulder. "And you, Trafalgar. You make him sad, you ever hurt him, and I will find you and turn you to stone. Then I'll smash your statue'd self into pieces and scatter those pieces along the ocean floor, understood?"

Luffy gave her a small smile as a familiar thin arm wrapped around his shoulder, offering a cup of punch that Luffy gladly took and half-drained.

"Understood, 'Empress'-ya. I'll take good care of him. I promise," Law answered, sweet sincerity and happiness in his voice.

With a huff, Hancock turned to walk away. Luffy stopped her, though. "Hey, Hancock? Are we... still friends?"

She hesitated, a moment of pain flashing across her profile. Then she turned back to him, a watery smile on her face. "Of course. I'd be a fool not to keep a friendship with the future King of Pirates, right?"

Luffy let his smile grow into a relieved laugh. "Shishi, that's right! And the Queen of the Kuja Pirates and Amazon Lily is no fool!"

"No, indeed not," she smiled back. It was still a little sad, but Luffy could see the relief in her face, too, and knew they'd be alright. This time, when she turned to go back to the small entourage who'd traveled with her (her sisters, Madeline, and Sweet Pea), Luffy let her.

The peace was short-lived though, as Luffy heard the drawing of swords over the general clamor of a party starting. He looked over to see their first mate standing between two fairly large men, swords against each of their necks to keep them from fully attacking each other. With a sigh, Luffy set his cup down on the nearest table and slid away from his new husband to go deal with his biological family.

"I didn't raise you to be a DAMN REVOLUTIONARY!"

"No, you tried to raise me to be a damn military sycophant! And I hear you threw my damn kid into dangerous situations, too!" Dragon at least had the courtesy to not raise his voice, but anyone could hear the anger in his tone.

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