(Law) Chapter 49 - Wedding

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A/N: I hate you all. So much. Like Zoro hates Chopper... so not at all. Your comments, every vote, every follow... you all make me so happy. Thank you for the love.

Also, due to personal and schedule reasons, I'm probably going to take a break next week. But the chapters after that should be worth the wait. ;) Now onto the long chapter. Enjoy!

"Y'know, at a wedding, you're supposed to pay attention to the people getting married, not the officiant," Penguin teased in his quietest whisper about halfway through the ceremony.

"I think some slack might be given here, all things considered." He responded in kind without moving his gaze. Gods above. How does he look better than he did the last time I saw him?

Sure, Sanji and Zoro looked great, with their pressed, coordinating, tailored suits and carefully done hair and whatever. But Luffy. Luffy looked mouthwatering in his suit, even if it only went down to his knees. Maybe it was just because it'd been nearly two full months since they saw each other. His hair looked like someone had tried to tame it, but it had since come undone, so just little bits of curl stuck out. Bright, happy brown eyes kept darting Law's way throughout the fairly brief ceremony. And that red tie around his neck that was just a little looser than was typically done... Law wanted to pull him in by that tie and kiss the daylights out of him.

Just kiss, for the moment. As much as he wanted to have Luffy in every way, first he just wanted the younger man in his arms. It'd been too long, and he just needed to reconfirm that he was real and healthy and Luffy. Needed the sweet affection that the other so willingly gave. Needed simple contact.

Gods, he had it so bad. And he was perfectly okay with that.

And when the crowd thinned and Luffy looked his way, he opened his arms. And in the next second, everything was perfect as that lithe body coiled around his, Luffy very obviously as happy to see him as he was to see Luffy. He wondered if Luffy was using his haki right now. If he could 'hear' every unsaid 'I love you' that Law felt as he breathed in his boyfriend's scent again, as he savored the heat of his skin and the sound of his voice.

'Real. This right here, you and I, this is real.' He remembered the words Luffy'd spoken as he woke him up after his nightmare. And it was true. It felt more real to have Luffy in his arms than most of his life felt these days. Colors seemed brighter, every nerve and sensation seemed heightened. Not in a painful way, just enough to make Law more aware of everything.

The hunger gnawing through him was real enough, though, as was the reason for it that he told Luffy. He'd skipped meals, taken extra watches, whatever it took to get them there even a minute sooner. Bepo had forced him to sit down and eat at least once per day (knocking him on his ass with a quick swipe the one time he'd tried to fight him on it), but all Law had wanted was to get back to Luffy.

And now here he was, that adorable face grinning up at him, and that rough hand in his like it undeniably belonged there.

"I missed you so damn much," the words spilled out of him like he couldn't hold them back anymore.

"Me too. What even happened? We never got enough time for you to tell me."

Law found himself chuckling lightly as he explained. "The storm you heard before we lost connection? That pushed us off course a ways on its own. It was rough, and damn long, but we've been through worse, even with the part of the ship it broke off. Except, somehow, it must have made us more appetizing to a Sea King, because a particularly large one decided to eat the ship whole."

"No WAY! You got EATEN?!"

"Mm-hmm. Must've been swimming quite fast while it tried to digest us, too. I couldn't find a safe way to move the entire ship out of its gut with my powers, so we had to find an alternative. Took almost two days, but Shachi and Hakugan managed to create a bomb big enough to explode the damn thing from the inside out. But by then we were out of snail range and short on supplies. Needed a few repairs, too, between the explosion and two days of digestive acid surrounding the ship. Then it took some doing to figure out where we were and how far it'd be to get back to you. And of course, the log pose didn't work, so Bepo had to navigate us almost entirely on Vivre card. Which, by the way, he can now rant about the inconvenience of for hours. Don't get him started."

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