Chapter 3: Training begins

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3rd January 2022
Jintsū's POV

It's early in the morning the time was 6.00 am the alarm sounds off.

She turns off the alarm and slowly got out of the futon with Fuyumi right next to me.

Fuyumi: "目を覚ませ、すぐに訓練することに同意したはずだろう?" (Wake up, didn't we agree to train soon?) She shook me gently to wake me up.

Jintsū: "すみません、こんなによく眠れたのは久しぶりなんです。" (Right sorry, it's just been long since I last slept this well.)

Fuyumi: "そして、いつか私が旗艦になったら、次の任務までに部下を十分に休ませるようにしたいですね。" (Then maybe when I become flagship one day, I'll make sure everyone under my command has enough rest before the next mission.)

Jintsū: "ありがとうございます。" (Thank you.) Little did she know her words would come to bite her very soon.

Fuyumi: "どうしたんですか?" (What's wrong?)

Jintsū: "何でもない、さあ、準備しよう。" (It's nothing, come on let's get ourselves ready.)

After getting ourselves changed for the morning exercise, Fuyu wore the Uwa-obi with the Katana to her left as well as the Hachimaki on her forehead. We soon went for a lap around the base, followed by 40 push-ups and just as many squats the set was repeated 3 times now it was 6.40 am and it was time for the last part of our training. After arriving at our destination Fuyumi could guess what it was.


Fuyumi: "剣道をやるんですか?" (So we're doing Kendo?)

Jintsū: "そうですね、戦いに持ち込むのですから、訓練するのは当然ですが、よりブロッキングに重点を置いています。" (Yes, since you're going to bring it into battle it's only right that we train but more focus on blocking.)

Fuyumi: "はい。" (Yes.)

She sounds confident that she could do it, but that won't mean I'll hold back either. As the duel raged on, I went after her weak spots in rapid succession to keep her off balance, but her defenses are tougher than I thought. Within the next 20 minutes, since it began, I've beaten her due to her low stamina. We soon sat down facing the pier.

Jintsū: "痛いでしょう、ここでごめんなさい。" (It must hurt, sorry here.) I hand her a pack of ice and she places it on the area where she was hit.

Fuyumi: "気にしないでください、まだまだこれからです。" (Don't worry about it, it just tells me I've got a long way to go.) I smile at those words since she's not easily discouraged by this setback.

Jintsū: "じゃあ、これからは月、水、金、日にトレーニングしよう。いいんじゃない?" (Then from now on we'll train on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Sounds good to you?)

Fuyumi: "はい。" (Yes.) As we take our sip of water the sun rose to greet us and it was a beautiful sight after that, we head to the canteen.


When we arrived, my breakfast was laid out on the table and greeted by Misaki Amano.

Misaki: "Out training as usual?"

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