Chapter 12: Sent far beyond the frontlines

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1st February 2022
Fuyumi's POV

It was about three in the morning as I woke up from bed, I noticed the two of them sleeping soundly on the futon after I am getting myself ready for the day before I headed downstairs to do my usual routine, I heard her wake up.

Jin: "いつものオフ会か。" (So you're off to the usual.)

Iō: "うん。" (Yup.)

Jin: "今日はもう寝よう、先月からずっとこんなに早く起きているんだから、健康に気をつけよう。他の連中も気づいているから、久々にお返しをしようと思ったのだろう。" (Let's just sleep in for the day, you've been up this early throughout last month, you should take care of your health. The others have noticed, so they wanted to return the favor for quite some time now.)

Iō: "なるほど、それなら相手の申し出に応じよう。" (I see, then I'll take their offer.)

I headed back to the futon to take a nap since later we were deploying to Hawaii for our mission. Three hours later as I arose from my nap, I noticed that Jin and Ame are no longer in the futon, Ame is the nickname I gave to Shigure which means rain since her whole name is Autumn rain. I headed down the stairs to the canteen still yawning away.

As I open the door it was dark, why? There was no way they'd leave me behind so there must be another reason as I pondered why the lights turned on to reveal all of them having party poppers in hand.

All: "Thank you for your hard work."

Shokaku: "We have been wanting to thank you for all the work you've done since you became commander."

Suzutuski: "We also wanted to celebrate your first successful combat deployment, so we did all this in secret."

Fuyumi: "Jintsū you knew about this didn't you?"

Jintsū: "Yes."

Yorktown: "We've been wondering for a while but you two seem really close, is there really nothing besides your training?" I didn't mention anything about this to them, so they must've been following.

Fuyumi: "I wasn't expecting you all to find out this early but, yes, the two of us are a couple. That isn't to say I won't accept anyone else because I know that if I don't. I'll hurt someone else and maybe could get one of you killed because I refuse to accept anyone else, I don't want any of you dying because of me." Tears began to flow as I said my last sentence, they took the hint and Helena came over to me.

Helena: "Sorry, we didn't mean to make you cry." She caresses my head.

Fuyumi: "It's okay." After that, I turn to the rest of them. "Let's keep this a secret between all of us here, for now."

All: "Yeah."

We ate our breakfast and were to deploy at dawn, which was an hour later, as the hour passed, we headed off to the launch room and commenced our second sortie of the war. As we exited Tokyo Bay, I had a new scarf on my neck that was tightly secured, going into cruising formation for the rest of the day it was quiet and by nightfall, we passed Hime as she wishes us a safe journey to Pearl.

Lexington's POV

It's been about an hour since they left, and I wish I could join them but with the possibility my big sister Saratoga appearing it's a risk we couldn't take. Today will be my first combat deployment together with Akagi, Kaga, Hornet, Kongō, Haruna, Alaska, Myōkō, Haguro, Atlanta, both Laffey's, Murasame, Akatsuki, and Shiraytsuyu. Our mission is to go patrol the Philippine Sea recently our Philippine allies said there's some activity there and we are heading over to check it out. Though something was on my mind, I hope they'll stay safe but more importantly, I even gave her a good luck charm.

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