Chapter 37: The end?

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January 2025

Now are the final days of the war as the Abyssal Empire has been boxed in on all sides with no room to attack. It could've been done last month, but when they received news that she was nearing ready conditions to fight once more, they halted the assault from going ahead.

They knew the risk of waiting for her that being the enemy had time to reinforce their positions along the 'border', but that wait would pay off as they identified a weak spot in their defense line, while the plan looked like a one-way trip, but it's the best odds of winning especially now that Fuyumi can use her shield, which grants further protection in a certain radius.

The plan is indeed a naval blitzkrieg to head straight to the capital as other fleets are tasked with attacks all along the 'border' and whatever fleets are to cover their axis of retreat should they fail, but they aren't planning on losing this final battle.

Fuyumi as she stands is among the most advanced carriers of the '40s thanks to a redesign that includes, reinforced armor plating which grants her even greater protection to match whatever shells are going to be thrown at her.

She also receives an enlarged hangar to accommodate jets. Defenses are made up of missiles and CIWS while still retaining some cannons.

Fuyumi: "Well girls, this is it, one last battle to end the war. Once this is over, I've got one question."

Yamato: "Let me guess, it's about whether we would stay once this is over." She nods her head.

Fuyumi: "But answer me that when we get back home."

They nod their heads. Fuyumi checked the time, and it was time to start the final battle of the war. They grabbed their riggings and sortied to the sea the battlefield filled with aircraft, missiles, cannon shells, and plumes of water, as for them they made their way through the abyssal destroying any formation foolish enough to stand in their path one at a time until they arrived at the outskirts with their force intact thanks to Fuyumi's active use of her shield.

As they arrived the Empress re-called all her forces back to defend the capital but to no avail as all forces were engaged in battle. The first missiles landed in parts of the capital resemble more of a fortress from medieval times when compared to others set up before this point, but its architecture will not save it from destruction and the death of the Empress as slowly, but steadily Allied forces broke in I just like the Battle of Berlin fought nearly eight decades ago.

As the final battle of the war concludes with the death of the Empress and peace finally restored humanity begins rebuilding with the help of the Abyss republic that was formed during the civil war, for the Kanmusus they could finally retire from active duty and go back to sleep. Though something more sinister lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike as currently its forces are depleted after many failed attempts due to the super ships, now the gateway to the surface is open, and a new war is going to begin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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