Chapter 31: Awakening

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1st January 2024

Fuyumi finally waking up, she felt something on her stomach, it was rather light and was curled up resting soundly, she then heard chirps on her left meaning the window was there. She opens her eyes to reveal a cat lying there as well as the bird, but who was the girl sleeping on her right. She wants to wake her up only for the cat to make its move and it proceeds to wake the girl up.

???: "What is it, Rio?" The cat meows back. "She's awake, finally. I'll get the others' wait here, okay." It meows back in agreement, and not long after she's back with many other people.

???1: "Do you remember any of us?"

???2: "Wait, I need to see your faces more clearly. Maybe I might remember." She looks at each of them before she recognizes three of them. "Jintsu-nee-chan, Ino-nee-chan, Sanya-nee-chan."

???: "Are they all you remember?" She nodded her head. All of those in the room were confused as to how this was even possible.

???3: "I think I know how she's able to remember you three."

Jintsu: "How?"

???3: "It's most certainly my Image Memorization ability, right now we know, she has several abilities. Nippa's self-regeneration, my Image Memorization, we can't possibly know what else she has in her has yet to be awakened."

???: "Then I'll bring those abilities out of her, the right way."

???3: "Yeah, only time will tell what else she may have."

Jintsu: "Well we've got to be going since."

???: "Yeah, I know."

Inorin: "Then we'll see you in three months' time." Before they left, they went to see her again. "Hey, Fuyumi-chan."

Fuyumi: "Is that my name?"

Jintsu: "Yes, we'll be going now."

Fuyumi: "Ehh! Then you won't be staying just a little more."

Sanya: "We can't, we've got a war to fight. But we'll be sure to call and visit you when we have the chance, right now we'll have to leave you in Ellie-Nee-Chan." Ellie gave her a reassuring smile.

Ellie: "You'll be safe with me, we'll see them again." They all said their goodbye before it was just the two of them. "Fuyumi-chan wants to go out for some fresh air." She nods her head and then tries to stand.

Ellie: "Easy, you've been in a coma for a whole year. Given that you just woke up, you still don't have much strength in you, I'll get you a wheelchair."

She exits the room to go get it while looking at the bird sitting at the window. It's been looking at her since she saw it and wonders why it was there. The bird flies over and lands gently on her hand. She caresses its head with care that it enjoys, and when Ellie returns, she helps her onto it and brings her out into the rest of the base.

As they went around, they met many girls along the way, all of them wishing her to be well as soon as they heard what happened. When they returned for dinner, it was already laid out on the small table in the room. Fuyumi was fed by Ellie, and after finishing their bath, she wanted to ask Ellie something.

Fuyumi: "Say, why is that bird around me?"

Ellie: "That bird recognizes you as its partner."

Fuyumi: "Meaning."

Ellie: "Meaning that you're like me, a witch." Her kenomini pops out. "Today just rest, tomorrow you'll need to work on your legs so we can start with our witch training."

Fuyumi: "Yes. Goodnight."

Ellie: "You won't mind if I sleep in with you." She pulls the blanket up.

Fuyumi: "Be my guest." Ellie then gets into bed.

Ellie: "Say, what do you want to name your familiar."

Fuyumi: "I'm not sure."

Ellie: "Then maybe something that sounds nice." She thought about it for a while before responding.

Fuyumi: "Fuyusaki means winter sky, I don't know why, but I love Fuyu, maybe because it signalling that the end of the year is near, or maybe it's something else, I can't help but shake the feeling that there's more I must remember, but I don't know."

Ellie: "I see. Maybe someday you'll know, your familiar sounds rather cute."

Fuyumi: "Thank you. *Looks at her familiar* Fuyusaki, let's get along."

It chirps back happily, and they soon fall asleep. The sun rose rather early on the next day, and when it did, Ellie was the first to wake up and notice something about her.

The feathers of the bird were out, but another thing came along with it, a magic antenna that was ocean blue instead of the usual green. She waits for her to wake up, not wanting to disturb her sleep she quietly gets out of bed and into one of the toilets around the hospital getting ready for the day.

When she returned, Fuyumi woke up from her sleep with the feathers and Magic Antenna out.

Fuyumi: "Wahh, what are these? *Points to the Antenna*"

Ellie: "That would be your magic antenna. This means you're also a night witch."

Fuyumi: "Night witch? And I'm not the only one?"

Ellie: "A night witch like you, a girl with Magic Antenna, it allows you to detect things at a great distance, though because you're a Kanmusu, it's just a theory but you might have an even greater detection range, and being able to know what the contact is more clearly than the rest. As for the second question, you're not the only one as Sanya-nee-chan is also one of many night witches."

Fuyumi: "I see."

They proceed over to the rehabilitation area, and she proceeds to learn to walk again after not using it for a year, she fell several times, but she never stopped trying to get better, and with Ellie helping her up over and over she feels like she can conquer anything, by days end she made wonderful progress. Vestal and Akashi said that if she can keep it up, she can be out by next month.

Ellie: "That's good news, once you're out we can begin your training to become a witch, and I'm sure you'll turn out to be a fine one."

Fuyumi: "*Excited tone* Yes, I can't wait to begin." She smiles back at her.

Ellie: "Then, want something amazing when you're out of here." Fuyumi's eyes beamed with light. "It's a secret~ but I promise it's going to be great. Now then, let's go watch something today."

Fuyumi: "Watch what exactly?"

Ellie: "You'll enjoy it."

They returned to her ward and began watching B****I. It was now three past mid-day when they finished watching. Both were hungry as they only ate lots of snacks.

Ellie: "Well, I'll be going to make us dinner. What do you want?"

Fuyumi: "Then *Thinks Hard* Anything you're making."

Ellie: "Alright, I'll be back in a few hours. So just get some rest."

She nods her head, Ellie leaves for the dorm, and heads to the dorm. Upon arriving, she looks around the kitchen to see if she has the ingredients before she starts baking it. When she was done, she cut it up, placed it into a decently sized container, and carried it over to the ward, the two ate their dinner as they took bites out of the originally massive pie

Fuyumi: "It's delicious, what is it called?"

Ellie: "Flammekueche, a pie that's made in the Alsace, Baden, and Palatine that runs along the Upper Rhine Valley. Want me to make this again sometime." She nods her head. After their bath, they talked a little.

Fuyumi: "Umm... maybe I pet the cat."

Ellie: "Sure, come here Rio." It meows back and was given to Fuyumi to be stroked on its head, as time passed turning it night. They said their goodnights and covered themselves up. 

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