Chapter 29: Merry Christmas

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25th December 2022

It's today the very first Christmas that everyone is spending time with each other, not within their own nationality, but across the globe. Gallia, Romanga, Orusia, New Zeeland, Australis, Nederlands, Belgica, Far away Land. Their admirals had arrived over the last few months to take command of their nationality into war. Like the Britanians, Karlslandians, Sakurans, and Eagles, they allowed them to be here for Christmas.

As for the U.N.K.A.N or 'United Nations Kanmusus' was formed just recently once Gallia and Romanga were part of their fleet as all the major naval powers during WW2 are present in the fleet. The day started with a good breakfast before heading over, getting into snowball fights that resulted in a tournament. For Fuyumi, though, she has other plans for the day.

In the dojo, Io and Jin were sparring as usual while Sanya and Inorin were on the sidelines, when Sanya said that she wanted to come out and train with them they were all surprised because they knew her as not the type to get up so early in the morning since she's used to sleeping late at night. The two that were watching were amazed by the sight before them as they could go on for a very long time with neither their defences breaking or their offensives cutting slack.

Io: "I guess we've got no choice now huh Jin."

Jin: "I suppose not, let's end it."

They both ready their stance ready for the final blow, Jin moved first and failed to strike her mark because Io used the hilt to block the incoming attack and, at the same time, struck back, scoring a hit on the side.

Io: "Well, I guess I win, but I'm sure the next one you'll one-up me."

Jin: "You can bet on that."

Inorin: "This is the first time I've seen you two going at it. You both are amazing."

Io: "Thanks, but if anything, you should be praising her since she's my master."

Jin: "Aww~~, you didn't have to. If anything, you were working so hard that you caught up to me so quickly."

Io: "True. Now then it's time for training, I'll train Sanya."

Jin: "Then I guess Inorin's with me."

Sany/Inorin: " *Excited tone* Yes."

Things started slow for Sanya as she's new to all this so Io taught her lovingly, but with time, she started picking up the pace as she got better and better. Io then challenged her to a duel though, of course, she'd be holding back for her sake, and so the two went at it, resulting in Sanya's victory as Io was really holding back on the breaks.

With Inorin, however, she was getting good at it as Io had been teaching her for quite a while now, when she challenged Jin for a spar, she sadly lost, but she saw it as there's a lot of catching up to them. With sweat covering their bodies head to toe, they went for the baths back at the dorm, but not before Io let out a cute sneeze.

After getting in the baths, they couldn't help but notice Io blushing because they heard her sneeze. Her shade of red was like a Neuroi's core or like the Sakura on the flag, so they teased her a little.

Once noon came around, they made lunch, played games, and watched anime while snacking. Once, it was almost time for dinner. Sanya and Io went off as they had a duet tonight. The two of them in the dressing room backstage ate their dinner and did a few final rounds of rehearsing before the big show.

Io: "I'll carry you to bed tonight, so you can just sleep, alright. Today is the most amount of energy you've put in, so I'm sure you're exhausted."

Sanya: "Yes, then please do." They stay silent for a while.

Sanya: "You know I feel nervous because this is going to be a duet instead of the usual."

Io: "I feel the same, but we're doing this together, so there's nothing to be nervous about because we both sing and dance well, and also. *Hugs and kisses her* We love each other, so there's nothing to worry about."

Sanya: "That's right, as long as we have each other, we can conquer even the worst thrown our way. *Kisses back*"

Io: "Let's go greet the stage with a smile." They walk out of the dressing room and onto the stage.

As it turned night, a large crowd was gathered at the stage, and the two of them backstage took their positions, but they pressed on as they both had the best voices of the entire band, which Io joined a few months prior as a singer from time to time. The curtains raise, revealing the two of them beginning to sing their first song.

As the two ended the concert, they bowed their heads as the curtains came down. Once it fully covered them, they went back to the dressing room.

Io/Sanya: "Thanks for your hard work." They both smile at each other.

Io: "Well then, time for your sleep 'princess'."

Sanya: "Thanks, then good night."

She laid backwards and Io caught her in her arms then carried Sanya in her arms in a princess position all the way to her room whilst Sanya slept. Upon arriving at her room, the other two they were in deep sleep, she laid her on the futon and covered her up.

Io: " *Soft Voice* Goodnight."

She places a peck on her forehead before going over and doing the same with her other two wives before heading put for a walk outside as it was a clear night. As she was walking, she saw a house cat roaming about, she's been seeing her for months already, and she knew what it wants, head-pats. It lets out a gentle purr. She stays there for a while before it leaves, Io can't help but wonder if she's seen this cat somewhere before they met but puts the thoughts aside as she walks on finishing it by the pier overlooking the sea and sings a few songs before heading back to her room to sleep. 

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