Chapter 13: The enemy's got some serious firepower

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Atlantic Ocean
24th January 2022

Today marks the Siren's invasion of the surface, or so they think as torpedoes started blowing apart the Sirens to bits one at a time a flotilla of I-Class destroyers Late models charged in firing their cannons which hit the massive hulls that the Sirens had produced and the few 'Ship girls' they had tried to fight back they too were blown to pieces as well.

That isn't to say the abyssal took no casualties however but it's significantly lesser than the Sirens, the battle now has been concluded as we see the abyssal 'Knight' as the rank implies it's underneath the princess, however in that rank, there are so few of them, it just so happens that this is one of those commanded by a 'Knight'.

???: "Good, let's keep it up."

I-class: "Huh, this is nothing when compared to stories of the surface."

???: "That's true but our job down here is just as important as the ones up there."

I-class: "Right, sorry."

???: "All ships re-group and prepare for the next attack." Just then on her comms, a voice spoke up.

???1: "I see you're still doing well following your conversion into 'Knight' Zo."

Zo: "Glad to hear from you too."

Zo is the lead class of Zo-class superdreadnoughts made by the Abyssal to make all their battleships extremely dangerous by not only giving them the best weapons and armor but also intelligence. However, it was too costly and time-consuming to make so many of them so only three were made, or rather converted is the more accurate term.

Zo: "So Atlantic Queen what is it?"

Atlantic: "Our Empress has recalled you home for an award ceremony in the capital."

Zo: "I must decline this since our frontlines with the Sirens will have a hole here."

Atlantic: "I sent your sistership Za to cover your area, however as to the Empress's intention I'm not sure."

Zo: "Very well, I'll return at once." The comms ends. "Fo, we're leaving."

Fo: "Something wrong?"

Fo is the leader of her class the Fo-class super carrier like the Zo-class this class was too plagued with the same issues too costly and time-consuming as the Zo-class there were only three of them.

Zo: "The Empress has recalled us to the capital."

Fo: "Any ideas as to why?"

Zo: "No, even our queen has no clue."

Fo: "That's rare to hear, but let's go."

Zo: "Yeah."

The pair heads back to Atlantis the capital of the Abyssal Empire as well as the former capital of the Siren empire.


The pair walks up the staircase leading to the Empress.

Empress: "If I told you both you'll be heading to the surface will you go?"

Zo: "If that's your order, we shall go." After she pins their medals, they head down. After the ceremony, we met up with her.

Zo: "So, what's the problem on the surface?"

Empress: "Last month we lost our princess guarding Sakura."

Fo: "So they've finally made their move."

Empress: "Seems so, I want you both to eliminate this threat to my plans for the coming war with the Sirens."

Zo: "So if we eliminate this threat we can bring the war on the surface to a quicker end, am I not wrong."

Empress: "You're not wrong at all, you two will eliminate it by any means necessary."

Zo/Fo: "Understood, we'll depart at once." We saluted her and set sail or rather swim to the Pacific.

Pacific Ocean
1st February 2022

Once they arrived in the Pacific their base was in the Mariana trench as no weapons can touch the bottom without exploding first making it a strategic location.

Pacific: "Welcome to the Mariana trench, I hope you'll enjoy your stay." Several maids walked up and carried their luggage.

Zo: "Thank you, let's get down to business."

Pacific: "Indeed." We walked to a room that honestly looks like a banquet rather than a strategy room, as the three sat down food was served on their plates.

Pacific: "Two weeks ago I lost contact with the Iwo Jima princess as you both know. The fleet contains the girls of Sakura origin as well as another country that we've identified as the Eagle Union." She shows footage though it wasn't long it clearly showed them working together.

Zo: "This fleet is an interesting one, though we could assume it's a one-time thing."

Pacific: "Indeed but I don't want to take chances because their fighting style is very different from those found in those countries' doctrines but rather a blend of both as they dominated the night, fighting both on the surface and in the skies."

Fo: "I see, then we'll need to throw some things their way just so we get the picture of how they fight for ourselves to analyze. What about their whereabouts now?"

Pacific: "They're currently heading for Hawaii, most certainly a relief operation since it has been cut off from supplies since early twenty eighteen."

Zo: "Very well, now then let this hunt begin."

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